Administration Manual

1. Introduction

Qlustar is a full-fledged Linux distribution based on Debian/Ubuntu. Its main focus is to provide an Operating System (OS) that simplifies the setup, administration, monitoring and general use of Linux clusters. Hence we call it a Cluster OS.

A Qlustar cluster typically consists of one or more head-nodes, head-node and a larger number of compute-, storage- or cloud-nodes (in this manual we usually refer to these latter nodes simply as compute-nodes). In an HPC cluster, it is highly advisable to separate user login sessions onto dedicated Front-End (FE) nodesFront-End nodes. This leads to higher stability and security of the whole system, since then the head-node(s) (its most critical component), are not subject to problems arising from uncontrolled user activity. The FE node(s) can run on real physical hardware or (especially on small clusters with less activity) in a virtual machine (VM).

Qlustar has an installation option that allows the automatic setup/configuration of a KVM FE node.

For clusters with advanced file I/O performance requirements, the basic Qlustar configuration providing an NFS based setup to serve user home directories will be insufficient. In this case, a parallel file system like Lustre or BeeGFS will be needed. With QluMan, it’s easy to add storage nodes to a cluster, that will be able to serve Lustre MDTs and OSTs or BeeGFS server components (if required also in a fail-safe high-availability configuration).

Usually, all nodes in a cluster are connected through one or more dedicated internal Ethernet networks. If fast inter-node communication is required, an additional high-speed interconnect network like Infiniband may be used.

Basic Qlustar HPC Cluster

Most of the time, compute and cloud nodes are stripped-down servers with SSDs or SATA hard disk drives (sometimes also disk-less), often without keyboard and mouse connection. These days, servers typically have a remote management interface (IPMI), that allows to perform most hardware related tasks of a node (like reset, power cycling etc.) over the network. In addition, IPMI provides remote access to a nodes console.

The above figure shows a schematic description of the components building a basic HPC Cluster. The head-node typically requires a more powerful hardware configuration than the compute nodes to guarantee higher availability and to accommodate central disk storage. A Gigabit/10G Ethernet and/or Infiniband/OmniPath network are the most common network interconnects of HPC clusters today.

Advanced Qlustar HPC Cluster

While the above entry-level hardware configurations will be sufficient for departmental clusters, a compute center will often have to provide a system with guaranteed up-time, scalable file I/O, as well as a high throughput / low latency network to satisfy the needs of demanding users. A schematic description of a hardware setup for such a scenario is shown in the following figure. Qlustar is equally capable to deploy such advanced configurations with little effort.

2. Qlustar Base Configuration

2.1. Network Configuration and Services

This section describes the basic network configuration and services of a Qlustar cluster.

2.1.1. Basic Network Configuration

The IP configuration of the head-node is defined in the file /etc/network/interfaces (type man interfaces for details), while /etc/resolv.conf is the key-control file regarding the DNS configuration (see DNS). Network interfaces can be brought up or down using the commands ifup and ifdown (see also the corresponding man pages). Typically, the head-node has at least two network interfaces, one for the external LAN and one for the internal cluster network. For all cluster-internal networks (boot/NFS, optional Infiniband and/or IPMI)Network Configuration cluster-internal networks, unofficial (not routed) IP addresses are used, usually in the range 192.168.x.0/, while for larger clusters the range 172.16.y.0/ is often used. In the latter case, y might indicate the rack number.

The cluster-internal network ranges can be conveniently chosen during installation.

2.1.2. DNS

This section describes how to configure the Domain Name System (DNS). The file /etc/resolv.conf contains the addresses of the DNS servers to use and a list of domain names to search when looking up a short (not fully qualified) hostname. Example:

search your.domain

where is the localhost address and your.domain is the DNS domain name.

The file /etc/resolv.conf is automatically generated. The DNS configuration must be configured directly in /etc/network/interfaces by adding dns- option lines to the relevant iface stanza. The following option names are supported: dns-nameservers, dns-search, and dns-sortlist. Get more details on these options by executing man resolvconf. The dns-nameservers entry is added and configured automatically to use (the head-node’s dnsmasq instance) during installation.

Starting from Qlustar 11.0, all DNS configuration is done via QluMan and dnsmasq is used as a cluster-wide DNS server including proxy support.

2.1.3. DHCP

The basic IP configuration of the compute-nodes in the PXE/BIOS/UEFI boot phase is done using the Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP). The DHCP server dnsmasq supplies the IP address, netmask and the gateway. The corresponding configuration file is /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-dhcpd.conf and is auto-generated by QluMan.

If a cluster has additional internal networks (e.g. Infiniband), the IP address of a node in that network is derived from its basic DHCP address and set automatically during boot. The addresses of additional networks can be specified during installation and in QluMan. Check the QluMan Guide for more details.

2.1.4. IP Masquerading (NAT)

To allow direct TCP/IP connections for the compute-nodes to machines outside of the internal cluster network, IP masquerading (NAT) is configured by default on the head-node(s) during installation. This might be necessary e.g., when applications running on the compute-nodes need to contact a license server in the public LAN.

All IP packets with unofficial sender IP addresses and a destination in the public LAN are then translated by the head-node to packets with its own official IP address. When a reply packet arrives, it is translated back to the unofficial IP address of the originating node inside of the cluster. The head-node works as a router in this case. The following example section in /etc/network/interfaces (cluster network address is shows, how masquerading is activated on boot and disabled on shutdown:

iface br-ext inet static
  bridge_ports enp0s4
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_maxwait 0
  up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s \
    -o br-ext -j MASQUERADE
  down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s \
    -o br-ext -j MASQUERADE

2.1.5. Time Server

Synchronized system time throughout the cluster is crucial for its flawless operation. It is achieved using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon. If the head-node has direct Internet access, publicly available time-servers on the Internet can be contacted and used as an accurate time reference. In order to set a list of time-servers, edit the file /etc/ntp.conf on the head-node(s) and add a line for every ntp-server (example ntp-1) to be contacted:

server ntp-1

2.2. Basic Services

This section describes the basic services running on a typical Qlustar cluster.

2.2.1. Disk Partitions and File-systems

Typically, a head-node has two mirrored boot disks. Sometimes it also holds additional data disks, which are setup either as a mirror, a RAID 5/6 or are part of an external storage system. The boot disk (or the RAID device in case of a RAID boot setup) is used as a physical volume for the basic system LVM volume group (default name vgroot). See Logical Volume Management for more details on LVM.

The system volume group is the container of the following logical volumes: root, var, tmp, swap, apps and data (the latter can also be chosen to be located on a separate volume group made from additionally available disks during installation). Each of these logical volumes is used as the underlying block device for the correspondingly named file-system. Hence, the whole head-node setup, including the / (root) file-system is typically under control of LVM, adding large flexibility for storage management.

All additional disks or RAID sets are partitioned with a single partition of type LVM, and used as LVM physical devices. Static mount configuration for file-systems is entered in /etc/fstab. All file-systems are of type ext4 unless requested otherwise.

Qlustar installations also have the option to use ZFS pools (see ZPool Administration) to setup additional data disks.

2.2.2. NFS

To ensure a cluster wide homogeneous directory structure, the head-node provides NFS (Network File System) services to the compute-nodes. The kernel NFS server with protocol version 3 is used for accomplishing this goal. The typical Qlustar directory structure consists of three file-systems that are exported by the head-node via NFS to all other nodes: /srv/apps, /srv/data and /srv/ql-common.

In NFS version 4 (normally not used in Qlustar), one directory serves as the root path for all exported file-systems and all exported directories must be a sub-directory of this path. To achieve compatibility with NFS 4 in Qlustar, the directory /srv is used for this purpose.

While /srv/apps and /srv/data are typically separate file-systems on the head-node, the entry /srv/ql-common is a bind mount of the global Qlustar configuration directory /etc/qlustar/common. This mount is created as a result of the following entry in /etc/fstab:

/etc/qlustar/common    /srv/ql-common    none    bind    0    0

File-systems to be shared via NFS need an entry in the file /etc/exports. Execute man exports for a detailed explanation of the corresponding syntax. For security reasons, access to shared file-systems should be limited to trusted networks. The directory /srv is exported with a special parameter fsid. An export entry with the parameter no_root_squash for a host will enable full write access for the root user on that host (without that parameter, root is mapped to the user nobody on NFS mounts). In the following example, root on the host login-c (default name of the FrontEnd node) will have full write access to all exported file-systems:

/srv login-c(async,rw,no_subtree_check,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash)\,rw,no_subtree_check,fsid=0,insecure)
/srv/data login-c(async,rw,no_subtree_check,insecure,nohide,no_root_squash)\,rw,no_subtree_check,insecure,nohide)
/srv/apps login-c(async,rw,no-subtree_check,insecure,nohide,no_root_squash)\,rw,no_subtree_check,insecure,nohide)
/srv/ql-common login-c(async,rw,subtree_check,insecure,nohide,no_root_squash)\,ro,subtree_check,insecure,nohide)

After changing the exports information, the NFS server needs to reload its configuration to activate it. This is achieved by executing the command

0 root@cl-head ~ #
service nfs-kernel-server reload

2.2.3. SSH - Secure Shell

Remote shell access from the LAN to the head-node and from the head-node to the compute-nodes is only allowed using the OpenSSH secure shell (ssh). A correct configuration of the ssh daemon is of crucial importance for the security of the whole cluster. Most important is to allow only ssh protocol version 2 connections.

The Qlustar default configuration allows for AgentForwarding and X11Forwarding. This way, X11 programs can be executed without any further hassle from any compute-node with the X display appearing on a users workstation in the LAN. The relevant ssh configuration files are


To allow password-less root access from the head to the other cluster nodes, the root ssh public key that is generated on the head-node is automatically put into the QluMan database during installation. Its content is then copied into the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on any netboot node during its boot process.

One last step is required in order to prevent interactive questions when using ssh logins between nodes: A file named ssh_known_hosts containing all hosts keys in the cluster must exist. It is automatically generated by QluMan, placed into the directory /etc/qlustar/common/image-files/ssh and linked to /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts on netboot nodes.

Host-based authentication

To enable host-based authentication, the parameter HostbasedAuthentication must be set to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the clients. This is the default in Qlustar. Furthermore, the file /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv must contain the hostnames of all hosts from where login should be allowed. This file is also automatically generated by QluMan. Note that this mechanism works for ordinary users but not for the root user.

2.2.4. Mail server - Postfix

Mostly for the purpose of sending alert and other informational messages, the mail server postfix is setup on the head-node. Typically it is configured to simply transfer all mail to a central mail relay, whose name can be entered during installation. The main postfix configuration file is /etc/postfix/ Mail aliases can be added in /etc/aliases (initial aliases were configured during installation). A change in this file requires execution of the command postalias /etc/aliases to activate the changes. Have a look at Transport Agent to find out, how to configure mail on the compute-nodes.

3. Qlustar Hardware Configuration

3.1. Infiniband Networks

Many clusters with the need for high-throughput and/or low-latency communication between nodes use Infiniband (IB) network hardware. Qlustar fully supports Infiniband via the OFED software stack. The basic configuration for Infiniband networks is explained in the QluMan Guide.

3.1.1. IB Fabric Verification/Diagnosis

Especially for large clusters, an IB network is a complex fabric. The desired performance can only be achieved, if all components work flawlessly. Hence, it is important to have tools that can verify the validity of the hardware setup. In this section, we describe a number of checks that can help to setup a flawless IB fabric.

0 root@cl-head ~ #

CA 'mlx4_0'
CA type: MT26428
Number of ports: 1
Firmware version: 2.7.0
Hardware version: b0
Node GUID: 0x003048fffff4cb8c
System image GUID: 0x003048fffff4cb8f
Port 1:
State: Active
Physical state: LinkUp
Rate: 40
Base lid: 310
LMC: 0
SM lid: 1
Capability mask: 0x02510868
Port GUID: 0x003048fffff4cb8d
Link layer: InfiniBand
0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/rate

40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)

0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/state


0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/ports/1/phys_state

5: LinkUp

0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/board_id


0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_0/fw_ver

0 root@cl-head ~ #

hca_id: mlx4_0
fw_ver: 2.7.000
node_guid: 0030:48ff:fff4:cb8c
sys_image_guid: 0030:48ff:fff4:cb8f
vendor_id: 0x02c9
vendor_part_id: 26428
hw_ver: 0xB0
board_id: SM_2122000001000
phys_port_cnt: 1
port: 1
state: PORT_ACTIVE (4)
max_mtu: 2048 (4)
active_mtu: 2048 (4)
sm_lid: 1
port_lid: 310
port_lmc: 0x00
0 root@cl-head ~ #

device node GUID
------ ----------------
mlx4_0 003048fffff4cb8c
0 root@cl-head ~ #
ifconfig ib0

ib0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 80-00-00-48-FE-80-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:388445 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:256
RX bytes:39462502 (39.4 MB) TX bytes:2040 (2.0 KB)
0 root@cl-head ~ #

Switch : 0x0002c902004885b0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L18/U1" base port 0 lid 17 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488f60 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L17/U1" base port 0 lid 22 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885a8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L16/U1" base port 0 lid 16 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488fc8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L15/U1" base port 0 lid 26 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885a0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L14/U1" base port 0 lid 15 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488fc0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L13/U1" base port 0 lid 25 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004884e0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L12/U1" base port 0 lid 10 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488f68 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L11/U1" base port 0 lid 23 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488510 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L10/U1" base port 0 lid 12 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885e8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L09/U1" base port 0 lid 19 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488f78 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L08/U1" base port 0 lid 24 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488598 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L07/U1" base port 0 lid 14 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488fd8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L06/U1" base port 0 lid 27 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885f8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L05/U1" base port 0 lid 21 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885f0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L03/U1" base port 0 lid 20 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200488528 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L02/U1" base port 0 lid 13 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c902004885e0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L01/U1" base port 0 lid 18 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472eb0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S09/U1" base port 0 lid 4 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472f08 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S08/U1" base port 0 lid 9 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472ec8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S07/U1" base port 0 lid 7 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472ed0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S06/U1" base port 0 lid 8 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472ec0 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S05/U1" base port 0 lid 6 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200472eb8 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S04/U1" base port 0 lid 5 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c9020046cc60 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S03/U1" base port 0 lid 2 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c9020046cd58 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S02/U1" base port 0 lid 3 lmc 0
Switch : 0x0002c90200479668 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S01/U1" enhanced port 0 lid 1 lmc
Switch : 0x0002c90200488500 ports 36 "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L04/U1" base port 0 lid 11 lmc 0
0 root@cl-head ~ #
ibnodes | head -10

Ca : 0x0002c902002141f0 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c90200214150 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c9020021412c ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c90200214164 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c902002141c8 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c9020020d82c ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c9020020d6c0 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c90200216eb8 ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x0002c9020021413c ports 1 "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies"
Ca : 0x002590ffff2fc5f4 ports 1 "MT25408 ConnectX Mellanox Technologies"

Because the output of the following command is extremely long, we only show the first 40 lines here:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ibnetdiscover | head -40

# Topology file: generated on Thu Oct 10 14:06:20 2013
# Initiated from node 0002c903000c817c port 0002c903000c817d
Switch 36 "S-0002c902004885b0" # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L18/U1" base port 0 lid 17 lmc 0
[19] "S-0002c90200479668"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S01/U1" lid 1 4xQDR
[20] "S-0002c90200479668"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S01/U1" lid 1 4xQDR
[21] "S-0002c9020046cd58"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S02/U1" lid 3 4xQDR
[22] "S-0002c9020046cd58"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S02/U1" lid 3 4xQDR
[23] "S-0002c9020046cc60"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S03/U1" lid 2 4xQDR
[24] "S-0002c9020046cc60"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S03/U1" lid 2 4xQDR
[25] "S-0002c90200472eb8"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S04/U1" lid 5 4xQDR
[26] "S-0002c90200472eb8"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S04/U1" lid 5 4xQDR
[27] "S-0002c90200472ec0"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S05/U1" lid 6 4xQDR
[28] "S-0002c90200472ec0"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S05/U1" lid 6 4xQDR
[29] "S-0002c90200472ed0"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S06/U1" lid 8 4xQDR
[30] "S-0002c90200472ed0"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S06/U1" lid 8 4xQDR
[31] "S-0002c90200472ec8"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S07/U1" lid 7 4xQDR
[32] "S-0002c90200472ec8"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S07/U1" lid 7 4xQDR
[33] "S-0002c90200472f08"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S08/U1" lid 9 4xQDR
[34] "S-0002c90200472f08"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S08/U1" lid 9 4xQDR
[35] "S-0002c90200472eb0"[35] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S09/U1" lid 4 4xQDR
[36] "S-0002c90200472eb0"[36] # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/S09/U1" lid 4 4xQDR
Switch 36 "S-0002c90200488f60" # "MF0;cluster-ibs:IS5300/L17/U1" base port 0 lid 22 lmc 0
[1] "H-0002c9020021413c"[1](2c9020021413d) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 284 4xDDR
[2] "H-0002c90200216eb8"[1](2c90200216eb9) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 241 4xDDR
[3] "H-0002c9020020d6c0"[1](2c9020020d6c1) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 244 4xDDR
[4] "H-0002c9020020d82c"[1](2c9020020d82d) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 242 4xDDR
[6] "H-0002c902002141c8"[1](2c902002141c9) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 243 4xDDR
[9] "H-0002c90200214164"[1](2c90200214165) # "MT25204 InfiniHostLx Mellanox Technologies" lid 293 4xDDR
0 root@cl-head ~ #

# # Summary: 215 nodes checked, 0 bad nodes found
# # 1024 ports checked, 0 ports with bad state found
0 root@cl-head ~ #

# # Summary: 215 nodes checked, 0 bad nodes found
# # 1024 ports checked, 0 ports with 1x width in error found

3.1.2. OpenSM Configuration

A functional IB fabric needs at least one node with a running subnet manager. This can be a switch or any other node connected to the fabric. In the latter case, OpenSM will be used. Please check the QluMan Guide for details about how to setup OpenSM on a compute-node. If OpenSM should run on a head-node, you will have to install the package opensm and configure it manually, if necessary (for simple networks, the default configuration will be sufficient).

4. Cluster Node Management

4.1. Boot Process

This section describes the boot process of Qlustar cluster-nodes.

4.1.1. Compute-node booting

The boot process of the compute-nodes follows precise rules. It takes place in six steps:

  1. The PXE boot ROM of the network card sends a DHCP request. If the node is already registered in QluMan, the request is answered by the DHCP server running on the head-node(s), allowing the adapter to configure its basic IP settings.

  2. The boot ROM requests a PXE loader program from the TFTP server on the head-node (the TFTP server specified by DHCP could also be on another node, but this is not the default). The PXE loader is then sent to the compute-node via TFTP.

  3. PXELinux downloads the Qlustar Linux kernel and the assigned initial RAM-disk image and boots the kernel. This image doesn’t hold the final OS, it has just enough functionality to download the real OS image in the next step.

  4. A Qlustar specific script /init is executed as the initial init process. This script sets up basic networking functionality for the boot NIC and starts the Qlustar multicast client ql-mcast-client to download the real node OS image assigned to the node. It does so by connecting to the Qlustar multicast image server ql-mcastd on the headnode to request a multicast IP and port. The OS image for the node will then be streamed to all nodes which requested the same image at that time. Should multicast fail, a slower unicast fallback is used to download the OS image.

    After the real OS image is downloaded and it’s checksum verified, a unionfs filesystem structure is setup under /union. The image is then unpacked into /union/image as one component of the union. A tmpfs to store runtime changes made to the image filesystem is created as a second component and finally a third, empty one is reserved for an optional chroot to be added later.

    At the end, the system moves to the next boot stage by changing the root filesystem to the just created unionfs. Control is then passed to the 2nd Qlustar init script /sbin/init.qlustar.

  5. The latter first executes systemd-udevd to trigger the auto-loading of the full set of kernel drivers, and then starts QluMan execd in a one-shot configure-mode. Hereby execd a) receives all the node-specific options from the head-node’s qlumand and b) executes corresponding scripts to process the options received.

    This dynamic customization/configuration of the node must be done before systemd starts. Among others, the following tasks are performed at this stage: Setup of systemd units for QluMan defined Network FS mounts, Root FS Customization, synchronization of the system time with the head-node(s), pam/sssd customization, enabling of NIS and OpenSM configuration (both optional). Finally, if configured and present, local disks are initialized/mounted before running any Root FS Customization scripts transferred to /lib/qlustar/init.d.

  6. When all the above is finished, control is finally passed to systemd as the final init process. From here on, the boot procedure continues in the standard Linux fashion.

Log files concerning the Qlustar specific boot phase are located under /var/log/qlustar. Adding the parameter early-shell to the kernel cmdline, will interrupt the boot process when entering /sbin/init.qlustar and give the opportunity to debug in case of possible problems. The kernel parameter debug will produce lots of debug messages during this phase.

4.1.2. TFTP Boot Server

The TFTP server component of dnsmasq transfers the boot image to the compute-nodes. All files that should be served by tftp must reside in the directory /var/lib/tftpboot. On a Qlustar installation, it contains three symbolic links:

pxelinux.0 -> /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0
pxelinux.cfg -> /etc/qlustar/pxelinux.cfg
qlustar -> /var/lib/qlustar

The directory /etc/qlustar/pxelinux.cfg contains the PXE boot configuration files for the compute-nodes. There is a default configuration that applies to any node without an assigned custom boot configuration in QluMan. For every host with a custom boot configuration, QluMan adds a symbolic link pointing to the actual configuration file. The links are named after the node’s Hostid, which you can find out with the gethostip command. For more details about how to define boot configurations see the corresponding section of the QluMan Guide.

4.1.3. RAM-disk OS images

The squashfs-based RAM-disk image is the file-system holding the node OS that is mounted as the root filesystem of the compute-nodes. It is assembled on the head-node(s) from the image modules, you are able to select in QluMan. Every RAM-disk image contains at least the core module. See the corresponding section of the QluMan Guide for more details. All available image modules are displayed and selectable in QluMan and the configuration and assembly of images is done automatically from within QluMan.

By default, the root password of a Qlustar OS image and hence the node booting it, is taken from the head-node(s) /etc/shadow file and is therefore the same as on the head-node(s). If you want to change this, you can call qlustar-image-reconfigure <image-name>. (Replacing <image-name> with the actual name of the image). You can then specify a different root password for the node OS image.


Any Qlustar node OS image contains changelogs of the various image modules it is composed of. They are located in the directory /usr/share/doc/qlustar-image. The main changelog file is core.changelog.gz. The other files are automatically generated. The files .packages.version.gz lists the packages each module is made of. The files .contents.changelog*.gz lists the files that were changed between each version, and .packages.changelog.gz list differences in the package list and versions. Hence, you always have detailed information about what has been changed in new images as well as the package sources of their content. Static node OS image customization/modification

Node OS images are regenerated automatically, when the image module packages they are based on are updated. That means, that files can’t be simply modified or added to a generated image as the changes would be lost on the next update.

Qlustar therefore provides a mechanism to add extra files to images every time they are rebuild and hence make changes permanent. Files can be added to all images or only to one specific image using the qlustar-image-edit tool. All the commands in this section must be executed as root on the head-node.

To modify or add the file /some/path/filename to all images execute:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -e /some/path/filename

To modify/add the file to a specific image <img>:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -e img /some/path/filename

To edit the file again later, simply run the same command again.

Files created this way will be located underneath the path /etc/qlustar/images on the head-node, either in the sub-directory common (for files entering all images) or in the sub-directory img (for files entering just the image img).

The whole directory structure of a file is created there so the full path of the above examples would be /etc/qlustar/images/common/copy/some/path/filename or /etc/qlustar/images/img/copy/some/path/filename respectively. To undo adding such files to the images, simply remove these files.

A second mode of qlustar-image-edit is to directly edit the generated images. Such changes are always temporary meaning they will be overwritten by image module updates. This method is suitable to apply a quick fix for a problem that is known to be solved in subsequent image module versions or for testing.

To edit the initial RAMdisk of the image img execute:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -i img

To edit the squashfs OS image do:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -s img

In both cases, you will be placed into the root directory of the corresponding initrd/image. You can then manipulate any file in the initrd/image or add new ones to it. When done, enter exit and the initrd/image will be regenerated. Alternatively enter exit 1 to abort and throw away any modifications.

By manipulating the image in this way, you can easily break things and in the worst case make the OS unbootable. Please be aware that you’re on your own, if you choose to experiment with the above methods. In other words: The Qlustar team won’t be able to give support for problems arising from a modified OS initrd/image. You can reset the initramfs and squashfs images to the original content using qlustar-image-reconfigure <name of image>.

4.1.4. Dynamic node OS image customization/modification

Rebuilding images is time consuming and changes made to an image apply to all nodes using the same image. This makes customizations somewhat unflexible. To improve on this, Qlustar provides another mechanism to customize/modify node OS Images. It is applied in the pre-systemd boot phase to target node-specific customizations assignable via QluMan.

This is implemented by the Root FS Customization config class in qluman-qt. For details about how to create such a config class and how to assign it to nodes see the corresponding section of the QluMan Guide.

The files and directory structure for the Root FS Customization is stored below /var/lib/qlustar/root-fs/<custom> on the head-node(s) where <custom> is the name of the config as defined in QluMan. The qlustar-image-edit tool provides shortcuts to create/edit or delete files. More complex operations like changing file ownership or permissions must be done from the shell directly using the full path.

To create or edit the file /some/path/filename for a Root FS Customization config named custom execute:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -r -e custom /some/path/filename

This will use sensible-editor to open the file in an editor, honoring your EDITOR and VISUAL settings or using the system default editor.

To delete the file execute:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-edit -r -d custom /some/path/filename

4.1.5. Run-time node customization/configuration via QluMan execd

The QluMan execution server qluman-execd runs on any node of a Qlustar cluster. It is one of Qlustar’s main components, responsible for executing remote commands, writing configurations to disk, as well as monitoring.

When a compute-node boots, qluman-execd initially starts in a one-shot fashion (starts and exits when done with its configuration tasks) during the pre-systemd boot phase (see Compute-node booting for details). At this stage, it performs a number of initialization/configuration tasks depending on the node’s configuration settings defined in QluMan. Generated option files are written under /etc/qlustar/options.d. The following is a list of these tasks:

Network configuration

Configuration of all network parameters in the corresponding configuration files, so that they can be activated later on by systemd. The information is written to /etc/network/interfaces.d/qluman (Ubuntu nodes), or in adapter specific files under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts (CentOS nodes).

Disk configuration

Writing of the host’s QluMan defined disk configuration into the file /etc/qlustar/options.d/disk-config for later use by the disk initialization script.

Setup of Network FS mounts

Writing of systemd (auto)mount unit files according to the Network FS mounts config assigned to the host in QluMan.

Infiniband OpenSM activation

Activation of OpenSM in case the node is configured to run it.

IPMI IP configuration

Reconfiguration of the node’s IPMI address, if activated for the node in QluMan.

UnionFS chroot

An optionally assigned custom unionFS chroot will be setup instead of the one that is defined in the Qlustar image.

SSH authorized_keys

The ssh keys that are configured in QluMan to allow password-less login to the node as root, are copied into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Root FS Customization

If one or more Root FS Customization configs are assigned to a node then the corresponding directory structure(s) under /var/lib/qlustar/root-fs/config will be sent to the node preserving the user, group and permissions of each file or directory. Any files ending up in /lib/qlustar/init.d will be executed in alphanumeric order at the end of the 2nd stage boot script /sbin/init.qlustar just before handing over control to systemd.


If configured in QluMan, mail transport will be activated on the node and ssh access for normal users will be limited to those having a running slurm job on the node (by making changes to the pam config).

For details about the configuration of the above components, see the corresponding sections of the QluMan Guide.

All files being written to a node by qluman-execd in the pre-systemd boot phase can be previewed in the QluMan GUI.

4.2. Node Customization

This section describes the customization options/tools for the configuration of Qlustar cluster-nodes.

4.2.1. Dynamic Configuration Settings

As explained above, a number of configuration options are configured dynamically by the QluMan execution server when a node boots. These settings will be stored either in the file /etc/qlustar/options or in a separate file in the directory /etc/qlustar/options.d of the nodes root filesystem. Usual BASH shell syntax is used for the options.

The settings in /etc/qlustar/options as well as the config files generated in /etc/qlustar/options.d should usually not be edited manually. However, when a node has trouble starting certain services or configuring some system components, it can make sense to inspect and possibly change the settings in these files to see whether that solves the problem. Please report such a situation as a bug, so that it can be fixed in a future release.

4.2.2. Cluster-wide Configuration Directory

The directory /etc/qlustar/common contains cluster-wide configuration files for the nodes. At an early stage of the boot process, this directory is mounted via NFS from the head-node. If required, the path on the head-node this directory is exported from, can be customized with QluMan.

4.2.3. NFS boot scripts

To allow for flexible configuration of compute-nodes, a specific NFS directory (/etc/qlustar/common/rc.boot) is searched for executable scripts in a late phase of the boot process (after unionFS is fully initialized, so that you can use programs from the chroot here as well). The scripts found are then executed one by one. You can use this mechanism to perform arbitrary modifications/customization of the compute node OS.

The scripts placed into /etc/qlustar/common/rc.boot must be executable and conform to the naming standard that the command run-parts defines (see man run-parts on the head-node).

The script /lib/qlustar/copy-files, which is also executed at boot, consults a configuration file /etc/qlustar/common/image-files/destinations, where each line describes a directory to be created, a file to be copied from an NFS path to a local path, or a link that needs to be created in the RAMdisk. Example:

# remotefile is a path relative to /etc/qlustar/common/image-files
# and destdir is the absolute path of the directory where remotefile
# should be copied to. mode is used as input to chmod.
# Example:
# authorized_keys   /root/.ssh    root:root   600

# Directories

# remotefile            destdir         owner           permissions
ssh/authorized_keys     /root/.ssh      root:root       644
etc/nsswitch.conf       /etc            root:root       644
etc/ldap.conf           /etc            root:root       644
etc/timezone            /etc            root:root       644

# Symbolic links
# Source                target
/l/home                 /home

This mechanism also allows to specify additional files to be processed by adding an #include line like this:

#include ldapfiles

In this example, the file ldapfile will be consulted just like the destinations file.

Furthermore, if the file /etc/qlustar/common/image-files/softgroups exists, it may specify a group name directly (without white-space) followed by a colon, followed by a hostlist. An example softgroups file may look like this:

version2: beo-[01-04]
version3: beo-[05-08]

This will make hosts beo-[01-04] additionally consult the file /etc/qlustar/common/image-files/destinations.version2 and hosts beo-[05-08] the file /etc/qlustar/common/image-files/destinations.version3. The group name defined in the softgroups is the extension to the destinations file. The files could look like this:

# destinations.version2 - use version2 of the program:
/apps/local/bin/program.version2 /usr/bin/program
# destinations.version3 - use version3 of the program:
/apps/local/bin/program.version3 /usr/bin/program

Hence, with this mechanism, you can e.g. have parts of your cluster use different versions of the same program.

4.2.5. Mail Transport Agent

By default the compute-nodes do not send mail. You can however activate the simple MTA ssmtp by assigning the QluMan generic property Activate Mail to cluster nodes.

The configuration of ssmtp needs to be done in the directory /etc/qlustar/common/ssmtp and consists of two files, ssmtp.conf and revaliases. In ssmtp.conf you should set the following parameters:


The address to send mail to for users with id less than 1000.


The host to send all mail to.


Make all mail look like originating from this domain.


Allow users to override the domain, must be “yes” or “no”.


The fully qualified name of this host

An example configuration file would be:

In the file revaliases, you can specify how mails to local accounts should be forwarded to outgoing addresses and which mail server to use. Example:

4.3. Node Remote Control

This section describes the tools and configuration options for the remote control of Qlustar cluster nodes.

4.3.1. Serial Console Parameter

The kernel commandline that is passed to a node is configured in a QluMan BootConfig. If you need to set/modify the serial console parameter, you can change it there. There are already pre-defined variants of kernel commandlines for the most common cases.

Access to the Serial Console

To access the serial console use the command console-login. It allows to select the node for which the console should be opened. Depending on the type of console, you need different keystrokes to exit. If you are using


then you need to type &.


then type ~.


then use Ctrl-a x

4.3.2. IPMI Configuration

Most servers nowadays are equipped with an Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI). Qlustar allows to automatically configure the IP address of these interfaces via QluMan.

5. Monitoring Infrastructure

5.1. QluMan Monitoring

This section describes the QluMan monitoring infrastructure. It consists of different components. The initial implementation (milestone 1.0) provides a filesystem-based interface to define checks determining the health state of a node and triggers reacting to health state changes.

The qluman-execd server running on each node, periodically executes monitoring checks and updates the health state of the node in the state file /run/qluman/node-health. If the health state of any check changes, qluman-execd looks if any triggers for the changed category are defined and executes the ones found.

Some monitoring checks/triggers are automatically provided by the Qlustar OS images to monitor essential generic services like time synchronization and a trigger to coordinate node health with the node state in the slurm workload manager. To extend the provided base functionality, QluMan also allows admins to write their own monitoring checks and trigger scripts.

5.1.1. Monitoring checks

Monitoring checks are files ending in .check with a certain syntax. They must be located either at /usr/lib/qluman/monitoring for pre-defined checks from Qlustar OS Images or at /etc/qlustar/common/monitoring for user-defined checks. Each file contains a list of key=value pairs that define and configure the check.

A user-defined check must start with type=custom to tell qluman-execd what kind of check it is. Other types are reserved for built-in checks. For a custom check, the following key=value pairs are defined:

  1. categories=…​

    The categories key declares a comma separated list of categories the check applies to. Categories can be user-defined, but must be a valid filename. Any category used in a check will be listed in the Summary section of the node-health file. They are used to trigger category-specific actions when the health state of a node changes.

    Each category is healthy only, if all checks listing it return success. If any of these checks fails, the category’s state changes to unhealthy and the error text from the failed check(s) is added to the category’s failure reason.

  2. interval=<seconds>

    The interval key determines how often a check is run. It also determines the time a check may take before it is considered stuck. If a check runs longer than the configured interval, it is marked as failed with failure reason timeout. A new check will not be launched before the previous run of the check will have completed.

  3. command=<path>

    For custom checks there is no pre-defined code to run. Instead, the user declares a command to be executed each time the check is to be run. Commands are launched using bash -c and can be a simple shell expression or the name of a binary/script. The exit code of the command is used as the health status of the check and in case of failure, the output, if any, is used as the failure reason.

Example: A check affecting slurmd that always succeeds


Example: A check that fails for no reason

command=echo "A guaranteed failure"; false

5.1.2. Health triggers

qluman-execd runs all health checks periodically as defined by each check and summarizes the results by the categories defined in them. Every time the status of a category changes, the corresponding health triggers in the directory /etc/qlustar/common/monitoring/<category>.triggers/ are executed.

To create a health trigger, simply create the corresponding triggers directory and place the trigger there. It is recommended to place symlinks into the directory instead of the triggers themselves.

A trigger file must be executable.

5.2. Ganglia

This section describes the Qlustar Ganglia setup. Nagios in combination with Ganglia is used to monitor the hardware of the compute nodes as well as the head-node.

5.2.1. Monitoring the nodes

Cluster Monitoring Web Interface over Ganglia

Node Monitoring with Ganglia

Each node sends sensor data and other information such as swap usage, fill level of file systems and S.M.A.R.T. data of the hard disks to a multicast address where the head-node can collect them. The way each node collects the sensor data depends on the hardware type. The Qlustar Cluster Suite detects the type that is suitable for a specific compute node. You can list the current metrics by running ganglia --help. The package ganglia-webfrontend allows to view the state of your cluster and each node from within a web-browser. It suffices to visit the Link http://<head-node>/ganglia.

5.3. Nagios

This section describes the Qlustar Nagios setup.

5.3.1. Nagios Plugins

The package qlustar-nagios-plugins contains the tools required to process the data received from Ganglia. The thresholds, services and nodes to monitor and group definitions are set in files located in the directory /etc/nagios3/conf.d/qlustar. The file nodes.cfg lists the nodes. This file is auto-generated from QluMan. A few lines are required for each node as shown in this example:

define host {
  host_name      beo-01
  use            generic-node
  register       1
define host {
  host_name      beo-10
  use            generic-node
  register       1

The file hostgroup-definitions.cfg defines which nodes belong to which hostgroup:

define hostgroup {
  hostgroup_name        ganglia-nodes
  members               beo-0.
  register              1

The regular expression beo-0. specifies, that all nodes with a hostname matching the expression are member of this group. If you need to create additional groups because you have different types of nodes with a different set of available metrics, or with metrics that require different thresholds, then you can define them here. Example:

define hostgroup {
  hostgroup_name          opterons
  members                 beo-1[3-6]
  register                1

The file services.cfg lists all metrics that should be monitored. It includes the thresholds, and for which groups each service is defined. For cluster nodes, the metric data is delivered via Ganglia. The following example defines the monitoring of the fan speed for the members of the group opterons:

define service {
  use                      generic-service
  hostgroup_name           opterons
  service_description      Ganglia fan1
  check_command            check_ganglia_fan!3000!0!"fan1"!$HOSTNAME$
  register                 1

With this definition, the service will enter the warning state once the fan-speed goes below 3000, and if it completely fails (speed 0), it will enter the error state.

The following is an example for a service that is monitored for the members of two hostgroups:

define service {
  use                     generic-service
  hostgroup_name          ganglia-nodes,opterons
  service_description     Ganglia temp1
  check_command           check_ganglia_temp!50!60!"temperature1"!$HOSTNAME$
  register                1

5.3.2. Monitoring the head-node(s)

The file localhost.cfg lists the services that should be monitored for the head-node(s). The definitions are different because the data is not collected through Ganglia.

The software RAID (md) devices are monitored by mdadm and mail is sent to root if a device fails. The RAID devices are not monitored with the nagios setup by default.

5.3.3. Webinterface

You can open the Nagios web interface at the address http://<head-node>/nagios3/. Login as nagiosadmin. The password can be changed by executing the following command as root:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
htpasswd /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin

5.3.4. Restart

Nagios uses the information collected by Ganglia. In case this information source is not available, nagios will send warning mails. To avoid being flooded by these mails when you need to restart Ganglia, you should first stop Nagios:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
service nagios3 stop

Then you can restart Ganglia:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
service ganglia-monitor restart
0 root@cl-head ~ #
service gmetad restart

After restarting Ganglia on the head-node you need to restart Ganglia on the compute nodes as well (this shows how to do it on the cmdline, you can also use the QluMan RXengine for this, possibly creating a pre-defined command):

0 root@cl-head ~ #
dsh -a service ganglia-monitor restart
0 root@cl-head ~ #
dsh -a service gmetric stop
0 root@cl-head ~ #
dsh -a service gmetric start

Finally you can start Nagios again

0 root@cl-head ~ #
service nagios3 start

6. General Administration Tasks

6.1. User Management

Starting from Qlustar 12, user management is done via QluMan. If you have updated a pre-12 installation and didn’t migrate to LDAP, you still use NIS for user management which is done on the command line (see the 11.0 admin manual for details).

6.1.1. Managing user restrictions

In the default configuration of a Qlustar cluster, all registered users are allowed to login by ssh on the cluster nodes. If this is not wanted, on nodes running slurm it is easily possible for cluster admins to change the default behavior. Users will then be allowed to ssh only into nodes where one of their slurm jobs is running. To activate this setting for a node, use QluMan to assign the generic property Limit User Logins with a value yes to it.

There is a special group node-ssh. If this group is defined, members of it are allowed to login by ssh on the cluster nodes regardless of their slurm job status.

6.1.2. Shell Setup

The Qlustar shell setup supports tcsh and bash. There are global initialization files that are used in both shells, so you only have to modify one file for environment variables, aliases and path variables. The global files are:


Use this file to add or modify environment variables that are not path variables. The syntax of this file is as follows: lines beginning with a hash sign (#) and empty lines are ignored. Every other line consists of a variable name and the value for this variable separated with a space. Example: the following line sets the variable VISUAL to vi:


A file ~/.ql-env in a user’s home directory can define personal environment variables in the same manner.


Use this file to define shell aliases. It has the same syntax as the file env described above. Again, a personal ~/.ql-alias file can define personal aliases.


This directory contains files with a name of the form varname.Linux. The varname is converted to upper case and specifies a ‘PATH like’ environment variable (e.g. PATH, MANPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, CLASSPATH , …​ ). Each line in this file is a directory to add to this environment variable. If the line begins with a ’p’ followed by a space followed by a directory, then this directory is prepended to the path variable otherwise it is appended. A user can create his/her own ~/.paths directory and so can use the same mechanism. Bash Setup

We provide an extensible bash setup and bash is the recommended login shell. The bash startup consists of global settings and user settings. Global settings are stored in files under /etc/qlustar/common/skel. User settings are stored in files in the corresponding home directory.


This file sources the other bash files. Do not modify.


This file is used for setting bash variables.


This file defines bash aliases.


You can use this file if you plan to create bash functions available to users.

The file ~/.bashrc also sources the following user specific files which have the same meaning as the global bash files.

  • ~/.bash/env

  • ~/.bash/bash-vars

  • ~/.bash/alias

  • ~/.bash/functions Tcsh Setup

We provide a similar setup for the tcsh. The following files are used:


This global tcshrc is sourced first and sources other startup files.


Use this file to set tcsh variables.


You can use this file to define tcsh aliases.

The file ~/.tcshrc also sources the following use specific files which have the same meaning as the global tcsh files.

  • ~/.tcsh/alias

  • ~/.tcsh/env

  • ~/.tcsh/tcsh-vars

6.2. Storage Management

6.2.1. Linux Software RAID (md)

Linux Software RAID is part of the Linux kernel. The corresponding devices are implemented through the md (Multiple Devices) device driver. Setup and management of RAID devices is done with the mdadm command (see its man page for more details). Status information is obtained from /proc/mdstat. How to replace a failed disk in a Software RAID Setup

In case of a disk failure, use mdadm to remove the failed disk from the raid-array, and after replacing the disk, first partition it as the old one, then again use mdadm to include the new disk into the raid-array. A failed disk is marked with (F) in /proc/mdstat.


0 root@cl-head ~ #
cat /proc/mdstat

Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid5] [multipath]
read_ahead 1024 sectors
md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1] sda1[0]
104320 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md1 : active raid1 sdb2[0](F) sda2[1]
17414336 blocks [2/1] [_U]
md2 : active raid1 sdb3[1] sda3[0]
18322048 blocks [2/2] [UU]
unused devices: <none>

In this example, disk /dev/sdb has failed. While the disk error only affected /dev/md1, other partitions of the faulty disk are also part of /dev/md0 and /dev/md2. So they need to be removed as well before the disk can be replaced. Hence, the following commands need to be executed:

To remove the faulty partition:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -r /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2

To mark the other affected partitions on the disk as faulty and remove them:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -f /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -r /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -f /dev/md2 /dev/sdb3
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -r /dev/md2 /dev/sdb3

Now the disk is not accessed any more and can be removed. After the new disk has been inserted, partition it like the other disk(s) using parted and then start the resync:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -a /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -a /dev/md2 /dev/sdb3

To watch the resync process, you can enter:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
watch --differences=cumulative cat /proc/mdstat

Press Ctrl-c to exit the display.

After an OS RAID boot disk has been replaced, one also has to make sure that the BIOS will be able to boot from the new disk. For systems installed/booting in (U)EFI mode, you have to execute the shell function grub-install-uefi-raid for that. On systems running under legacy BIOS mode, you will have to run the command dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and make sure the new disk is selected when prompted for the GRUB install locations (leave all other options as is).

6.2.2. Logical Volume Management

The Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) provides a convenient and flexible way of managing storage. Storage devices like hard disks or RAID sets are registered as physical volumes, and are then assigned to volume groups. Volume groups contain one or more logical volume, which can be resized according to the storage space available in the volume group. New physical volumes can be added to or removed from a volume group at any time, thereby transparently enlarging or reducing the storage space available in a volume group. Filesystems are created on top of logical volumes.


0 root@cl-head ~ #
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
0 root@cl-head ~ #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/sdb1
0 root@cl-head ~ #
lvcreate -n scratch -L 1GB vg0

These commands declare /dev/sdb1 as a physical volume, create the volume group vg0 with the physical volume /dev/sdb1, and create a logical volume /dev/vg0/scratch of size 1GB. You can now create a filesystem on this logical volume and mount it:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/scratch
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount /dev/vg0/scratch /scratch

To increase the size of the filesystem, you do not have to unmount it. Just increase the logical volume before resizing it:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
lvextend -L +1G /dev/vg0/scratch
0 root@cl-head ~ #
resize2fs /dev/vg0/scratch

This increased the filesystem by 1 GB. If you want to decrease the size of the filesystem, you first need to unmount it. After that, decrease the filesystem and finally reduce the logical volume:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
unmount /scratch
0 root@cl-head ~ #
e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/scratch
0 root@cl-head ~ #
resize2fs /dev/vg0/scratch 500M
0 root@cl-head ~ #
lvreduce -L 500M /dev/vg0/scratch
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount /dev/vg0/scratch /scratch

This decreased the filesystem to 500Mb. To check how much space is left in a volume group, use the command vgdisplay. Look for a line showing Free Size.

The most common LVM commands are:

  • Physical volumes: pvcreate

  • Volume groups: vgscan, vgchange, vgdisplay, vgcreate, vgremove

  • Logical volumes: lvdisplay,lvcreate, lvextend, lvreduce, lvremove

6.2.3. Zpools and ZFS

This section borrows heavily from the excellent ZFS tutorial series by Aaron Toponce. Zpool Administration VDEVs

Virtual Device Introduction

To start, we need to understand the concept of virtual devices, or VDEVs, as ZFS uses them internally extensively. If you are already familiar with RAID, then this concept is not new to you, although you may not have referred to it as VDEVs. Basically, we have a meta-device that represents one or more physical devices. In Linux software RAID, you might have a /dev/md0 device that represents a RAID-5 array of 4 disks. In this case, /dev/md0 would be your VDEV.

There are seven types of VDEVs in ZFS:

  1. disk (default): The physical hard drives in your system.

  2. file: The absolute path of pre-allocated files/images.

  3. mirror: Standard software RAID-1 mirror.

  4. raidz1/2/3: Non-standard distributed parity-based software RAID levels.

  5. spare: Hard drives marked as a hot spare for ZFS software RAID.

  6. cache: Device used for a level 2 adaptive read cache (L2ARC).

  7. log: A separate log (SLOG) called the ZFS Intent Log (ZIL).

It’s important to note that VDEVs are always dynamically striped. The stripe size is calculated by the number of disks and the size of the disks in the array. If more disks are added, the stripe size can be adjusted as needed for the additional disk. Thus, the dynamic nature of the stripe.

Some zpool caveats

  • Once a device is added to a VDEV, it cannot be removed.

  • You cannot shrink a zpool, only grow it.

  • RAID-0 is faster than RAID-1, which is faster than RAIDZ-1, which is faster than RAIDZ-2, which is faster than RAIDZ-3.

  • Hot spares are not dynamically added unless you enable the setting, which is off by default.

  • A zpool will not dynamically resize when larger disks fill the pool unless you enable the setting before your first disk replacement, which is off by default.

  • A zpool will know about advanced format 4K sector drives if and only if the drive reports such.

  • Deduplication is extremely expensive, will cause performance degradation if not enough RAM is installed, and is pool-wide, not local to filesystems.

  • On the other hand, compression is extremely cheap on the CPU, yet it is disabled by default.

  • ZFS suffers a great deal from fragmentation, and full zpools will feel the performance degradation.

  • ZFS supports encryption natively, but it is not Free Software. It is proprietary copyrighted by Oracle.

The following examples, assume we have four disk drives: /dev/sd[c-f]. If you follow the commands on your machine, make sure you execute the following cleanup step, that destroys the created zpool, at the end of each example:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool destroy data

Creating a simple pool

Let’s start by creating a simple zpool named data with 4 drives:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data /dev/sd[c-f]

In this case, I’m using four disk VDEVs. Because VDEVs are always dynamically striped, effectively we now have a RAID-0 between four drives (no redundancy). We should also check the status of the zpool:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      sdc       ONLINE       0     0     0
      sdd       ONLINE       0     0     0
      sde       ONLINE       0     0     0
      sdf       ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

A simple mirrored zpool

In this example, the four drives will be mirrored. So, rather than using the disk VDEV, we’ll be using mirror:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data mirror /dev/sd[c-f]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Notice that now mirror-0 is the VDEV, with each physical device managed by it. As mentioned earlier, this would be analogous to a Linux software RAID /dev/md0 device representing the four physical devices. Destroy the pool again before starting the next example.

Nested VDEVs

VDEVs can be nested. A perfect example is a standard RAID-1+0 (commonly referred to as RAID-10). This is a stripe of mirrors. In order to specify the nested VDEVs, just put them on the command line in order:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data mirror /dev/sd[cd] mirror /dev/sd[ef]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

The first VDEV is mirror-0 which is managing /dev/sd[cd], the second VDEV is mirror-1 managing /dev/sd[ef]. Since VDEVs are always dynamically striped, mirror-0 and mirror-1 are also striped, thus creating the RAID-10 setup. Don’t forget to cleanup before continuing.

File VDEVs

As mentioned, pre-allocated files can also be used for setting up zpools on top of your existing filesystem.

This is meant entirely for testing purposes, and not for storing production data. Using files is a great way to have a sandbox, where you can test compression ratio, the size of the deduplication table, or other things without actually committing production data to it. The image files must be pre-allocated, and not sparse files or thin provisioned.

Let’s see how this works:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
for i in {1..4}; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/file$i bs=1M count=64 \
  &> /dev/null; done
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data /tmp/file[1-4]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data          ONLINE       0     0     0
      /tmp/file1  ONLINE       0     0     0
      /tmp/file2  ONLINE       0     0     0
      /tmp/file3  ONLINE       0     0     0
      /tmp/file4  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

In this case, we created a RAID-0. We used pre-allocated files using /dev/zero that are each 64MB (the minimum for a VDEV) in size. Thus, the size of our zpool is 256 MB in usable space. Each file, as with our first example using disks, is a VDEV. Of course, you can treat the files as disks, and put them into a mirror configuration, RAID-10, RAIDZ-1, etc.

Hybrid pools

Using our four file/disk VDEVs, we now create a hybrid pool with cache and log drives.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data mirror /tmp/file[12] mirror /tmp/file[34] \
log mirror /dev/sd[cd] cache /dev/sd[ef]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    NAME            STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
    data            ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-0      ONLINE       0     0     0
        /tmp/file1  ONLINE       0     0     0
        /tmp/file2  ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-1      ONLINE       0     0     0
        /tmp/file3  ONLINE       0     0     0
        /tmp/file4  ONLINE       0     0     0
      mirror-2      ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc         ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd         ONLINE       0     0     0
      sde           ONLINE       0     0     0
      sdf           ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

First, we created a RAID-10 using our four pre-allocated image files. Notice the VDEVs mirror-0/1, and what they are managing. Second, we created a third VDEV called mirror-2 that actually is not used for storing data in the pool, but is used as a ZFS intent log (ZIL). Finally we created two standard disk VDEVs for caching data (sde/f) that are also managed by the cache VDEV. Hence, in this example, we’ve used 6 of the 7 VDEV types listed above, the only one missing is spare. Since neither the logs nor the cache are long-term storage for the pool, we’ve created a hybrid pool.

In production, the files would be physical disks, and the ZIL and cache would be fast SSDs.

Also do notice the simplicity in the implementation. Consider doing something similar with LVM, RAID and ext4. You would need to do the following:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l 0 -n 4 /dev/sd[c-f]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
pvcreate /dev/md0
0 root@cl-head ~ #
vgcreate /dev/md0 data
0 root@cl-head ~ #
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n home data
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mkfs.ext4 /dev/data/home
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mkdir -p /data/home
0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount -t ext4 /dev/data/home /data/home

With ZFS, this was done with one command (apart from the analogous of creating the logical volume, which will get to later), rather than seven. RAIDZ

Self-healing RAID

ZFS can detect silent errors, and fix them on the fly. Suppose that there is bad data on a disk in the array. When the application requests the data, ZFS constructs the stripe as we just learned, and compares each block against a SHA-256 checksum in the meta-data. If the read stripe does not match the checksum, ZFS finds the corrupted block, it then reads the parity, and fixes it through combinatorial reconstruction and returns valid data to the application.

This is all accomplished in ZFS itself, without the help of special hardware. Another aspect of the RAIDZ levels is the fact, that if the stripe is longer than the disks in the array and there is a disk failure, not enough data with the parity can reconstruct the data. Thus, ZFS will mirror some of the data in the stripe to prevent this from happening.

If your RAID and filesystem are separate products, they are not aware of each other, therefore detecting and fixing silent data errors is not possible in this case.

Let’s build some RAIDZ pools now. We’ll be using 5 disk drives /dev/sd[c-g] (each 10TB) in the following examples.


RAIDZ-1 is similar to RAID-5 in that there is a single parity bit distributed across all the disks in the array. The stripe width is variable, and could cover the exact width of disks in the array, fewer disks, or more disks. This still allows for one disk failure to maintain data. Two disk failures results in data loss. A minimum of 3 disks must be used in a RAIDZ-1. The capacity of your storage will be the number of disks in your array times the storage of the smallest disk, minus one disk for parity storage. So in the following example, I should have roughly 20 TB of usable disk space.

To setup a zpool with RAIDZ-1, we use the raidz1 VDEV, in this case using only 3 disk drives:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data raidz1 /dev/sd[c-e]

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      raidz1-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sde     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Cleanup before moving on.


RAIDZ-2 is similar to RAID-6 in that there is a dual parity bit distributed across all the disks in the array. The stripe width is variable, and could cover the exact width of disks in the array, fewer disks, or more disks. This still allows for two disk failures to maintain data. Three disk failures results in data loss. A minimum of 4 disks must be used in a RAIDZ-2. The capacity of your storage will be the number of disks in your array times the storage of the smallest disk, minus two disks for parity storage. So in the following example, we should again have roughly 20TB of usable disk space.

To setup a zpool with RAIDZ-2, we use the raidz2 VDEV:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data raidz2 /dev/sd[c-f]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      raidz2-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Cleanup again before moving on.


RAIDZ-3 does not have a standardized RAID level to compare it to. However, it is the logical continuation of RAIDZ-1 and RAIDZ-2 in that there is a triple parity bit distributed across all the disks in the array. The stripe width is variable, and could cover the exact width of disks in the array, fewer disks, or more disks. This still allows for three disk failures to maintain data. Four disk failures results in data loss. A minimum of 5 disks must be used with RAIDZ-3. The capacity of your storage will be the number of disks in your array times the storage of the smallest disk, minus three disks for parity storage. So in our example, we again have roughly 20TB of usable disk space.

To setup a zpool with RAIDZ-3, we use the raidz3 VDEV:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create data raidz3 /dev/sd[c-g]
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data
  pool: data
 state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

    data        ONLINE       0     0     0
      raidz3-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
        sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Cleanup again before moving on.

Performance Considerations

Lastly, in terms of performance, mirrors will always outperform RAIDZ levels. On both reads and writes. Further, RAIDZ-1 will outperform RAIDZ-2, which it turn will outperform RAIDZ-3. The more parity bits you have to calculate, the longer it’s going to take to both read and write the data. Of course, you can always add striping to your VDEVs to maximize on some of this performance. Nested RAID levels, such as RAID-10 are the performance optimum due to the flexibility in which you can lose disks without parity, and the throughput you get from the stripe. So, in a nutshell, from fastest to slowest, your non-nested RAID levels will perform as:

  • RAID-0 (fastest)

  • RAID-1

  • RAIDZ-1

  • RAIDZ-2

  • RAIDZ-3 (slowest) Exporting and Importing Storage Pools


As a GNU/Linux storage administrator, you may come across the need to move your storage from one server to another. This could be accomplished by physically moving the disks from one storage box to another, or by copying the data from the old live running system to the new. we will cover both cases in this series. The latter deals with sending and receiving ZFS snapshots, a topic that will take us some time getting to. This post will deal with the former; that is, physically moving the drives.

One slick feature of ZFS is the ability to export your storage pool, so you can disassemble the drives, unplug their cables, and move the drives to another system. Once on the new system, ZFS gives you the ability to import the storage pool, regardless of the order of the drives. A good demonstration of this is to grab some USB sticks, plug them in, and create a ZFS storage pool. Then export the pool, unplug the sticks, drop them into a hat, and mix them up. Then, plug them back in at any random order, and re-import the pool on a new box. In fact, ZFS is smart enough to detect endianness. In other words, you can export the storage pool from a big endian system, and import the pool on a little endian system, without hiccup.

Exporting Storage Pools

When the migration is ready to take place, before unplugging the power, you need to export the storage pool. This will cause the kernel to flush all pending data to disk, writes data to the disk acknowledging that the export was done, and removes all knowledge that the storage pool existed in the system. At this point, it’s safe to shut down the computer, and remove the drives.

If you do not export the storage pool before removing the drives, you will not be able to import the drives on the new system, and you might not have gotten all unwritten data flushed to disk. Even though the data will remain consistent due to the nature of the filesystem, when importing, it will appear to the old system as a faulted pool. Further, the destination system will refuse to import a pool that has not been explicitly exported. This is to prevent race conditions with network attached storage that may be already using the pool.

To export a storage pool, use the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool export data

This command will attempt to unmount all ZFS datasets as well as the pool. By default, when creating ZFS storage pools and filesystems, they are automatically mounted to the system. There is no need to explicitly unmount the filesystems as you with with ext3 or ext4. The export will handle that. Further, some pools may refuse to be exported, for whatever reason. You can pass the -f switch if needed to force the export.

Importing Storage Pools

Once the drives have been physically installed into the new server, you can import the pool. Further, the new system may have multiple pools installed, to which you will want to determine which pool to import, or to import them all. If the storage pool “data” does not already exist on the new server, and this is the pool you wish to import, then you can run the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import data

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data

state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

data        ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-2  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdj     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Your storage pool state may not be ONLINE, meaning that everything is healthy. If the system does not recognize a disk in your pool, you may get a DEGRADED state. If one or more of the drives appear as faulty to the system, then you may get a FAULTED state in your pool. You will need to troubleshoot what drives are causing the problem, and fix accordingly.

You can import multiple pools simultaneously by either specifying each pool as an argument, or by passing the -a switch for importing all discovered pools. For importing the two pools “data1″ and “data2″, type:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import data1 data2

For importing all known pools, type:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import -a

Recovering A Destroyed Pool

If a ZFS storage pool was previously destroyed, the pool can still be imported to the system. Destroying a pool doesn’t wipe the data on the disks, so the meta-data is still in tact, and the pool can still be discovered. Let’s take a clean pool called “data”, destroy it, move the disks to a new system, then try to import the pool. You will need to pass the -D switch to tell ZFS to import a destroyed pool. Do not provide the pool name as an argument, as you would normally do:

(server A)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool destroy data

(server B)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import -D

pool: data
id: 17105118590326096187
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

data        ONLINE
mirror-0  ONLINE
sde     ONLINE
sdf     ONLINE
mirror-1  ONLINE
sdg     ONLINE
sdh     ONLINE
mirror-2  ONLINE
sdi     ONLINE
sdj     ONLINE

pool: data
id: 2911384395464928396
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.

data          UNAVAIL  missing device
sdk         ONLINE
sdr         ONLINE

Additional devices are known to be part of this pool, though their
exact configuration cannot be determined.

Notice that the state of the pool is ONLINE (DESTROYED). Even though the pool is ONLINE, it is only partially online. Basically, it’s only been discovered, but it’s not available for use. If you run the df command, you will find that the storage pool is not mounted. This means the ZFS filesystem datasets are not available, and you currently cannot store data into the pool. However, ZFS has found the pool, and you can bring it fully ONLINE for standard usage by running the import command one more time, this time specifying the pool name as an argument to import:

(server B)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import -D data

cannot import 'data': more than one matching pool
import by numeric ID instead

(server B)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool import -D 17105118590326096187

(server B)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data

pool: data
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

data        ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-2  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdj     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Notice that ZFS was warning me that it found more than on storage pool matching the name “data”, and to import the pool, I must use its unique identifier. So, I pass that as an argument from my previous import. This is because in my previous output, we can see there are two known pools with the pool name “data”. However, after specifying its ID, I was able to successfully bring the storage pool to full ONLINE status. You can identify this by checking its status:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data

pool: data
state: ONLINE
status: The pool is formatted using an older on-disk format.  The pool can
still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Upgrade the pool using 'zpool upgrade'.  Once this is done, the
pool will no longer be accessible on older software versions.
scrub: none requested

data        ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-2  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdj     ONLINE       0     0     0

Upgrading Storage Pools

One thing that may crop up when migrating disk, is that there may be different pool and filesystem versions of the software. For example, you may have exported the pool on a system running pool version 20, while importing into a system with pool version 28 support. As such, you can upgrade your pool version to use the latest software for that release. As is evident with the previous example, it seems that the new server has an update version of the software. We are going to upgrade.

Once you upgrade your pool to a newer version of ZFS, older versions will not be able to use the storage pool. So, make sure that when you upgrade the pool, you know that there will be no need for going back to the old system. Further, there is no way to revert the upgrade and revert to the old version.

First, we can see a brief description of features that will be available to the pool:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool upgrade -v

This system is currently running ZFS pool version 28.
The following versions are supported:

---   ---------------------------------------------------
1    Initial ZFS version
2    Ditto blocks (replicated meta-data)
3    Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
4    zpool history
5    Compression using the gzip algorithm
6    bootfs pool property
7    Separate intent log devices
8    Delegated administration
9    refquota and refreservation properties
10   Cache devices
11   Improved scrub performance
12   Snapshot properties
13   snapused property
14   passthrough-x aclinherit
15   user/group space accounting
16   stmf property support
17   Triple-parity RAID-Z
18   Snapshot user holds
19   Log device removal
20   Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
21   Deduplication
22   Received properties
23   Slim ZIL
24   System attributes
25   Improved scrub stats
26   Improved snapshot deletion performance
27   Improved snapshot creation performance
28   Multiple vdev replacements

For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.

So, let’s perform the upgrade to get to version 28 of the pool:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool upgrade -a


There are plenty of situations where you may need to move disk from one storage server to another. Thankfully, ZFS makes this easy with exporting and importing pools. Further, the zpool command has enough sub-commands and switches to handle the most common scenarios when a pool will not export or import. Towards the very end of the series, we’ll discuss the zdb command, and how it may be useful here. But at this point, steer clear of zdb, and just focus on keeping your pools in order, and properly exporting and importing them as needed. Scrub and Resilver

Standard Validation

In GNU/Linux, we have a number of filesystem checking utilities for verifying data integrity on the disk. This is done through the “fsck” utility. However, it has a couple major drawbacks. First, you must fsck the disk offline if you are intending on fixing data errors. This means downtime. So, you must use the umount command to unmount your disks, before the fsck. For root partitions, this further means booting from another medium, like a CDROM or USB stick. Depending on the size of the disks, this downtime could take hours. Second, the filesystem, such as ext3 or ext4, knows nothing of the underlying data structures, such as LVM or RAID. You may only have a bad block on one disk, but a good block on another disk. Unfortunately, Linux software RAID has no idea which is good or bad, and from the perspective of ext3 or ext4, it will get good data if read from the disk containing the good block, and corrupted data from the disk containing the bad block, without any control over which disk to pull the data from, and fixing the corruption. These errors are known as silent data errors, and there is really nothing you can do about it with the standard GNU/Linux filesystem stack.

ZFS Scrubbing

With ZFS on Linux, detecting and correcting silent data errors is done through scrubbing the disks. This is similar in technique to ECC RAM, where if an error resides in the ECC DIMM, you can find another register that contains the good data, and use it to fix the bad register. This is an old technique that has been around for a while, so it’s surprising that it’s not available in the standard suite of journaled filesystems. Further, just like you can scrub ECC RAM on a live running system, without downtime, you should be able to scrub your disks without downtime as well. With ZFS, you can.

While ZFS is performing a scrub on your pool, it is checking every block in the storage pool against its known SHA-256 checksum. Every block from top-to-bottom is checksummed using SHA-256 by default. This can be changed to using the Fletcher algorithm, although it’s not recommended. Because of SHA-256, you have a 1 in 2^256 or 1 in 10^77 chance that a corrupted block hashes to the same SHA-256 checksum. This is a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance. For reference, uncorrected ECC memory errors will happen on about 50 orders of magnitude more frequently, with the most reliable hardware on the market. So, when scrubbing your data, the probability is that either the checksum will match, and you have a good data block, or it won’t match, and you have a corrupted data block.

Scrubbing ZFS storage pools is not something that happens automatically. You need to do it manually, and it’s highly recommended that you do it on a regularly scheduled interval. The recommended frequency at which you should scrub the data depends on the quality of the underlying disks. If you have SAS or FC disks, then once per month should be sufficient. If you have consumer grade SATA or SCSI, you should do once per week. You can schedule a scrub easily with the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool scrub data

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data

pool: data
state: ONLINE
scan: scrub in progress since Sat Dec  8 08:06:36 2012
32.0M scanned out of 48.5M at 16.0M/s, 0h0m to go
0 repaired, 65.99% done

data        ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
mirror-2  ONLINE       0     0     0
sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0
sdj     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

As you can see, you can get a status of the scrub while it is in progress. Doing a scrub can severely impact performance of the disks and the applications needing them. So, if for any reason you need to stop the scrub, you can pass the -s switch to the scrub sub-command. However, you should let the scrub continue to completion.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool scrub -s data

You should put something similar to the following in your root’s crontab, which will execute a scrub every Sunday at 02:00 in the morning:

0 2 * * 0 /sbin/zpool scrub data

Self Healing Data

Image courtesy

If your storage pool is using some sort of redundancy, then ZFS will not only detect the silent data errors on a scrub, but it will also correct them if good data exists on a different disk. This is known as “self healing”, and can be demonstrated in the following image. In our RAIDZ post, we discussed how the data is self-healed with RAIDZ, using the parity and a reconstruction algorithm. We are going to simplify it a bit, and use just a two way mirror. Suppose that an application needs some data blocks, and in those blocks, on of them is corrupted. How does ZFS know the data is corrupted? By checking the SHA-256 checksum of the block, as already mentioned. If a checksum does not match on a block, it will look at our other disk in the mirror to see if a good block can be found. If so, the good block is passed to the application, then ZFS will fix the bad block in the mirror, so that it also passes the SHA-256 checksum. As a result, the application will always get good data, and your pool will always be in a good, clean, consistent state.

Resilvering Data

Resilvering data is the same concept as rebuilding or resyncing data onto the new disk into the array. However, with Linux software RAID, hardware RAID controllers, and other RAID implementations, there is no distinction between which blocks are actually live, and which aren’t. So, the rebuild starts at the beginning of the disk, and does not stop until it reaches the end of the disk. Because ZFS knows about the the RAID structure and the filesystem meta-data, we can be smart about rebuilding the data. Rather than wasting our time on free disk, where live blocks are not stored, we can concern ourselves with ONLY those live blocks. This can provide significant time savings, if your storage pool is only partially filled. If the pool is only 10% filled, then that means only working on 10% of the drives. Win. Thus, with ZFS we need a new term than “rebuilding”, “resyncing” or “reconstructing”. In this case, we refer to the process of rebuilding data as “resilvering”.

Unfortunately, disks will die, and need to be replaced. Provided you have redundancy in your storage pool, and can afford some failures, you can still send data to and receive data from applications, even though the pool will be in “DEGRADED” mode. If you have the luxury of hot swapping disks while the system is live, you can replace the disk without downtime (lucky you). If not, you will still need to identify the dead disk, and replace it. This can be a chore if you have many disks in your pool, say 24. However, most GNU/Linux operating system vendors, such as Debian or Ubuntu, provide a utility called “hdparm” that allows you to discover the serial number of all the disks in your pool. This is, of course, that the disk controllers are presenting that information to the Linux kernel, which they typically do. So, you could run something like:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
for i in a b c d e f g; do echo -n "/dev/sd$i: "; hdparm -I
/dev/sd$i | awk '/Serial Number/ {print $3}'; done

/dev/sda: OCZ-9724MG8BII8G3255
/dev/sdb: OCZ-69ZO5475MT43KNTU
/dev/sdc: WD-WCAPD3307153
/dev/sdd: JP2940HD0K9RJC
/dev/sde: /dev/sde: No such file or directory
/dev/sdf: JP2940HD0SB8RC
/dev/sdg: S1D1C3WR

It appears that /dev/sde is my dead disk. I have the serial numbers for all the other disks in the system, but not this one. So, by process of elimination, I can go to the storage array, and find which serial number was not printed. This is my dead disk. In this case, I find serial number “JP2940HD01VLMC”. I pull the disk, replace it with a new one, and see if /dev/sde is repopulated, and the others are still online. If so, I’ve found my disk, and can add it to the pool. This has actually happened to me twice already, on both of my personal hyper-visors. It was a snap to replace, and I was online in under 10 minutes.

To replace an dead disk in the pool with a new one, you use the replace sub-command. Suppose the new disk also identified itself as /dev/sde, then I would issue the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool replace data sde sde

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status data

pool: data
state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices is currently being resilvered.  The pool will
continue to function, possibly in a degraded state.
action: Wait for the resilver to complete.
scrub: resilver in progress for 0h2m, 16.43% done, 0h13m to go

data          DEGRADED       0     0     0
mirror-0    DEGRADED       0     0     0
replacing DEGRADED       0     0     0
sde       ONLINE         0     0     0
sdf       ONLINE         0     0     0
mirror-1    ONLINE         0     0     0
sdg       ONLINE         0     0     0
sdh       ONLINE         0     0     0
mirror-2    ONLINE         0     0     0
sdi       ONLINE         0     0     0
sdj       ONLINE         0     0     0

The resilver is analogous to a rebuild with Linux software RAID. It is rebuilding the data blocks on the new disk until the mirror, in this case, is in a completely healthy state. Viewing the status of the resilver will help you get an idea of when it will complete.

Identifying Pool Problems

Determining quickly if everything is functioning as it should be, without the full output of the zpool status command can be done by passing the -x switch. This is useful for scripts to parse without fancy logic, which could alert you in the event of a failure:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool status -x

all pools are healthy

The rows in the zpool status command give you vital information about the pool, most of which are self-explanatory. They are defined as follows:


The name of the pool


The current health of the pool. This information refers only to the ability of the pool to provide the necessary replication level.


A description of what is wrong with the pool. This field is omitted if no problems are found.


A recommended action for repairing the errors. This field is an abbreviated form directing the user to one of the following sections. This field is omitted if no problems are found.


A reference to a knowledge article containing detailed repair information. Online articles are updated more often than this guide can be updated, and should always be referenced for the most up-to-date repair procedures. This field is omitted if no problems are found.


Identifies the current status of a scrub operation, which might include the date and time that the last scrub was completed, a scrub in progress, or if no scrubbing was requested.


Identifies known data errors or the absence of known data errors.


Describes the configuration layout of the devices comprising the pool, as well as their state and any errors generated from the devices. The state can be one of the following: ONLINE, FAULTED, DEGRADED, UNAVAILABLE, or OFFLINE. If the state is anything but ONLINE, the fault tolerance of the pool has been compromised.

The columns in the status output, “READ”, “WRITE” and “CKSUM” are defined as follows:


The name of each VDEV in the pool, presented in a nested order.


The state of each VDEV in the pool. The state can be any of the states found in “config” above.


I/O errors occurred while issuing a read request.


I/O errors occurred while issuing a write request.


Checksum errors. The device returned corrupted data as the result of a read request.


Scrubbing your data on regular intervals will ensure that the blocks in the storage pool remain consistent. Even though the scrub can put strain on applications wishing to read or write data, it can save hours of headache in the future. Further, because you could have a “damaged device” at any time (see about damaged devices with ZFS), properly knowing how to fix the device, and what to expect when replacing one, is critical to storage administration. Of course, there is plenty more I could discuss about this topic, but this should at least introduce you to the concepts of scrubbing and resilvering data. Getting and Setting Properties


With ext4, and many filesystems in GNU/Linux, we have a way for tuning various flags in the filesystem. Things like setting labels, default mount options, and other tunables. With ZFS, it’s no different, and in fact, is far more verbose. These properties allow us to modify all sorts of variables, both for the pool, and for the datasets it contains. Thus, we can “tune” the filesystem to our liking or needs. However, not every property is tunable. Some are read-only. But, we’ll define what each of the properties are and how they affect the pool. Note, we are only looking at zpool properties, and we will get to ZFS dataset properties when we reach the dataset subtopic.

Zpool Properties


The amount of data that has been committed into the pool by all of the ZFS datasets. This setting is read-only.


Identifies an alternate root directory. If set, this directory is prepended to any mount points within the pool. This property can be used when examining an unknown pool, if the mount points cannot be trusted, or in an alternate boot environment, where the typical paths are not valid.Setting altroot defaults to using cachefile=none, though this may be overridden using an explicit setting.


Can only be set at pool creation time. Pool sector size exponent, to the power of 2. I/O operations will be aligned to the specified size boundaries. Default value is “9″, as 2^9 = 512, the standard sector size operating system utilities use for reading and writing data. For advanced format drives with 4 KiB boundaries, the value should be set to ashift=12, as 2^12 = 4096.


Must be set before replacing the first drive in your pool. Controls automatic pool expansion when the underlying LUN is grown. Default is “off”. After all drives in the pool have been replaced with larger drives, the pool will automatically grow to the new size. This setting is a boolean, with values either “on” or “off”.


Controls automatic device replacement of a spare VDEV in your pool. Default is set to “off”. As such, device replacement must be initiated manually by using the zpool replace command. This setting is a boolean, with values either“on” or “off”.


Read-only setting that defines the bootable ZFS dataset in the pool. This is typically set by an installation program.


Controls the location of where the pool configuration is cached. When importing a zpool on a system, ZFS can detect the drive geometry using the meta-data on the disks. However, in some clustering environments, the cache file may need to be stored in a different location for pools that would not automatically be imported. Can be set to any string, but for most ZFS installations, the default location of /etc/zfs/zpool.cache should be sufficient.


Read-only value that identifies the percentage of pool space used.


A text string consisting of no more than 32 printable ASCII characters that will be stored such that it is available even if the pool becomes faulted. An administrator can provide additional information about a pool using this setting.


Sets a block deduplication threshold, and if the reference count for a deduplicated block goes above the threshold, a duplicate copy of the block is stored automatically. The default value is 0. Can be any positive number.


Read-only deduplication ratio specified for a pool, expressed as a multiplier


Controls whether a non-privileged user can be granted access permissions that are defined for the dataset. The setting is a boolean, defaults to “on” and can be “on” or “off”.


Amount of uninitialized space within the pool or device that can be used to increase the total capacity of the pool. Uninitialized space consists of any space on an EFI labeled VDEV which has not been brought online (i.e. zpool online -e). This space occurs when a LUN is dynamically expanded.


Controls the system behavior in the event of catastrophic pool failure. This condition is typically a result of a loss of connectivity to the underlying storage device(s) or a failure of all devices within the pool. The behavior of such an event is determined as follows:


Blocks all I/O access until the device connectivity is recovered and the errors are cleared. This is the default behavior.


Returns EIO to any new write I/O requests but allows reads to any of the remaining healthy devices. Any write requests that have yet to be committed


Prints out a message to the console and generates a system crash dump.


Read-only value that identifies the number of blocks within the pool that are not allocated.


Read-only property that identifies the unique identifier for the pool. Similar to the UUID string for ext4 filesystems.


Read-only property that identifies the current health of the pool, as either ONLINE, DEGRADED, FAULTED, OFFLINE, REMOVED, or UNAVAIL.


Controls whether snapshot information that is associated with this pool is displayed with the zfs list command. If this property is disabled, snapshot information can be displayed with the zfs list -t snapshot command. The default value is “off”. Boolean value that can be either “off” or “on”.


Boolean value that can be either “off” or “on”. Default value is “off”. Controls setting the pool into read-only mode to prevent writes and/or data corruption.


Read-only property that identifies the total size of the storage pool.


Writable setting that identifies the current on-disk version of the pool. Can be any value from 1 to the output of the zpool upgrade -v command. This property can be used when a specific version is needed for backwards compatibility.

Getting and Setting Properties

There are a few ways you can get to the properties of your pool- you can get all properties at once, only one property, or more than one, comma-separated. For example, suppose I wanted to get just the health of the pool. I could issue the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool get health data

data  health    ONLINE  -

If I wanted to get multiple settings, say the health of the system, how much is free, and how much is allocated, I could issue this command instead:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool get health,free,allocated data

data  health     ONLINE  -
data  free       176G    -
data  allocated  32.2G   -

And of course, if I wanted to get all the settings available, I could run:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool get all data

data  size           208G        -
data  capacity       15%         -
data  altroot        -           default
data  health         ONLINE      -
data  guid           1695112377970346970  default
data  version        28          default
data  bootfs         -           default
data  delegation     on          default
data  autoreplace    off         default
data  cachefile      -           default
data  failmode       wait        default
data  listsnapshots  off         default
data  autoexpand     off         default
data  dedupditto     0           default
data  dedupratio     1.00x       -
data  free           176G        -
data  allocated      32.2G       -
data  readonly       off         -
data  ashift         0           default
data  comment        -           default
data  expandsize     0           -

Setting a property is just as easy. However, there is a catch. For properties that require a string argument, there is no way to get it back to default. At least not that I am aware of. With the rest of the properties, if you try to set a property to an invalid argument, an error will print to the screen letting you know what is available, but it will not notify you as to what is default. However, you can look at the ‘SOURCE’ column. If the value in that column is “default”, then it’s default. If it’s “local”, then it was user-defined.

Suppose we wanted to change the comment property, this is how I would do it:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool set comment="Contact" data

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool get comment data

NAME  PROPERTY  VALUE                       SOURCE
data  comment   Contact  local

As you can see, the SOURCE is “local” for the comment property. Thus, it was user-defined. As mentioned, I don’t know of a way to get string properties back to default after being set. Further, any modifiable property can be set at pool creation time by using the -o switch, as follows:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zpool create -o ashift=12 data raid1 sda sdb

Final Thoughts

The zpool properties apply to the entire pool, which means ZFS datasets will inherit that property from the pool. Some properties that you set on your ZFS dataset, which will be discussed towards the end of this series, apply to the whole pool. For example, if you enable block deduplication for a ZFS dataset, it dedupes blocks found in the entire pool, not just in your dataset. However, only blocks in that dataset will be actively deduped, while other ZFS datasets may not. Also, setting a property is not retroactive. In the case of your autoexpand zpool property to automatically expand the zpool size when all the drives have been replaced, if you replaced a drive before enabling the property, that drive will be considered a smaller drive, even if it physically isn’t. Setting properties only applies to operations on the data moving forward, and never backward.

Despite a few of these caveats, having the ability to change some parameters of your pool to fit your needs as a GNU/Linux storage administrator gives you great control that other filesystems don’t. And, as we’ve discovered thus far, everything can be handled with a single command zpool, and easy-to-recall sub-commands. We’ll have one more post discussing a thorough examination of caveats that you will want to consider before creating your pools, then we will leave the zpool category, and work our way towards ZFS datasets, the bread and butter of ZFS as a whole. If there is anything additional about zpools you would like me to post on, let me know now, and I can squeeze it in. Best Practices and Caveats

Best Practices

As with all recommendations, some of these guidelines carry a great amount of weight, while others might not. You may not even be able to follow them as rigidly as you would like. Regardless, you should be aware of them. I’ll try to provide a reason why for each. They’re listed in no specific order. The idea of “best practices” is to optimize space efficiency, performance and ensure maximum data integrity.

  • Only run ZFS on 64-bit kernels. It has 64-bit specific code that 32-bit kernels cannot do anything with.

  • Install ZFS only on a system with lots of RAM. 1 GB is a bare minimum, 2 GB is better, 4 GB would be preferred to start. Remember, that per default ZFS will use 1/2 of the available RAM for the ARC.

  • Use ECC RAM when possible for scrubbing data in registers and maintaining data consistency. The ARC is an actual read-only data cache of valuable data in RAM.

  • Use whole disks rather than partitions. ZFS can make better use of the on-disk cache as a result. If you must use partitions, backup the partition table, and take care when reinstalling data into the other partitions, so you don’t corrupt the data in your pool.

  • Keep each VDEV in a storage pool the same size. If VDEVs vary in size, ZFS will favor the larger VDEV, which could lead to performance bottlenecks.

  • Use redundancy when possible, as ZFS can and will want to correct data errors that exist in the pool. You cannot fix these errors if you do not have a redundant good copy elsewhere in the pool. Mirrors and RAID-Z levels accomplish this.

  • For the number of disks in the storage pool, use the “power of two plus parity” recommendation. This is for storage space efficiency and hitting the “sweet spot” in performance. So, for a RAIDZ-1 VDEV, use three (2+1), five (4+1), or nine (8+1) disks. For a RAIDZ-2 VDEV, use four (2+2), six (4+2), ten (8+2), or eighteen (16+2) disks. For a RAIDZ-3 VDEV, use five (2+3), seven (4+3), eleven (8+3), or nineteen (16+3) disks. For pools larger than this, consider striping across mirrored VDEVs.

  • Consider using RAIDZ-2 or RAIDZ-3 over RAIDZ-1. You’ve heard the phrase “when it rains, it pours”. This is true for disk failures. If a disk fails in a RAIDZ-1, and the hot spare is getting resilvered, until the data is fully copied, you cannot afford another disk failure during the resilver, or you will suffer data loss. With RAIDZ-2, you can suffer two disk failures, instead of one, increasing the probability you have fully resilvered the necessary data before the second, and even third disk fails.

  • Perform regular (at least weekly) backups of the full storage pool. It’s not a backup, unless you have multiple copies. Just because you have redundant disk, does not ensure live running data in the event of a power failure, hardware failure or disconnected cables.

  • Use hot spares to quickly recover from a damaged device. Set the “autoreplace” property to on for the pool.

  • Consider using a hybrid storage pool with fast SSDs or NVRAM drives. Using a fast SLOG and L2ARC can greatly improve performance.

  • If using a hybrid storage pool with multiple devices, mirror the SLOG and stripe the L2ARC.

  • If using a hybrid storage pool, and partitioning the fast SSD or NVRAM drive, unless you know you will need it, 1 GB is likely sufficient for your SLOG. Use the rest of the SSD or NVRAM drive for the L2ARC. The more storage for the L2ARC, the better.

  • Keep pool capacity under 80% for best performance. Due to the copy-on-write nature of ZFS, the filesystem gets heavily fragmented. Email reports of capacity at least monthly.

  • Scrub consumer-grade SATA and SCSI disks weekly and enterprise-grade SAS and FC disks monthly.

  • Email reports of the storage pool health weekly for redundant arrays, and bi-weekly for non-redundant arrays.

  • When using advanced format disks that read and write data in 4 KB sectors, set the “ashift” value to 12 on pool creation for maximum performance. Default is 9 for 512-byte sectors.

  • Set “autoexpand” to on, so you can expand the storage pool automatically after all disks in the pool have been replaced with larger ones. Default is off.

  • Always export your storage pool when moving the disks from one physical system to another.

  • When considering performance, know that for sequential writes, mirrors will always outperform RAID-Z levels. For sequential reads, RAID-Z levels will perform more slowly than mirrors on smaller data blocks and faster on larger data blocks. For random reads and writes, mirrors and RAID-Z seem to perform in similar manners. Striped mirrors will outperform mirrors and RAID-Z in both sequential, and random reads and writes.

  • Compression is disabled by default. This doesn’t make much sense with today’s hardware. ZFS compression is extremely cheap, extremely fast, and barely adds any latency to the reads and writes. In fact, in some scenarios, your disks will respond faster with compression enabled than disabled. A further benefit is the massive space benefits.


The point of the caveat list is by no means to discourage you from using ZFS. Instead, as a storage administrator planning out your ZFS storage server, these are things that you should be aware of, so as not to catch you with your pants down, and without your data. If you don’t head these warnings, you could end up with corrupted data. The line may be blurred with the “best practices” list above. I’ve tried making this list all about data corruption if not headed. Read and head the caveats, and you should be good.

  • Your VDEVs determine the IOPS of the storage, and the slowest disk in that VDEV will determine the IOPS for the entire VDEV.

  • ZFS uses 1/64 of the available raw storage for meta-data. So, if you purchased a 1 TB drive, the actual raw size is 976 GiB. After ZFS uses it, you will have 961 GiB of available space. The “zfs list” command will show an accurate representation of your available storage. Plan your storage keeping this in mind.

  • ZFS wants to control the whole block stack. It checksums, resilvers live data instead of full disks, self-heals corrupted blocks, and a number of other unique features. If using a RAID card, make sure to configure it as a true JBOD (or “pass-through mode”), so ZFS can control the disks. If you can’t do this with your RAID card, don’t use it. Best to use a real HBA.

  • Do not use other volume management software beneath ZFS. ZFS will perform better, and ensure greater data integrity, if it has control of the whole block device stack. As such, avoid using dm-crypt, mdadm or LVM beneath ZFS.

  • Do not share a SLOG or L2ARC DEVICE across pools. Each pool should have its own physical DEVICE, not logical drive, as is the case with some PCI-Express SSD cards. Use the full card for one pool, and a different physical card for another pool. If you share a physical device, you will create race conditions, and could end up with corrupted data.

  • Do not share a single storage pool across different servers. ZFS is not a clustered filesystem. Use GlusterFS, Ceph, Lustre or some other clustered filesystem on top of the pool if you wish to have a shared storage backend.

  • Other than a spare, SLOG and L2ARC in your hybrid pool, do not mix VDEVs in a single pool. If one VDEV is a mirror, all VDEVs should be mirrors. If one VDEV is a RAIDZ-1, all VDEVs should be RAIDZ-1. Unless of course, you know what you are doing, and are willing to accept the consequences. ZFS attempts to balance the data across VDEVs. Having a VDEV of a different redundancy can lead to performance issues and space efficiency concerns, and make it very difficult to recover in the event of a failure.

  • Do not mix disk sizes or speeds in a single VDEV. Do mix fabrication dates, however, to prevent mass drive failure.

  • In fact, do not mix disk sizes or speeds in your storage pool at all.

  • Do not mix disk counts across VDEVs. If one VDEV uses 4 drives, all VDEVs should use 4 drives.

  • Do not put all the drives from a single controller in one VDEV. Plan your storage, such that if a controller fails, it affects only the number of disks necessary to keep the data online.

  • When using advanced format disks, you must set the ashift value to 12 at pool creation. It cannot be changed after the fact. Use “zpool create -o ashift=12 data mirror sda sdb” as an example.

  • Hot spare disks will not be added to the VDEV to replace a failed drive by default. You MUST enable this feature. Set the autoreplace feature to on. Use “zpool set autoreplace=on data” as an example.

  • The storage pool will not auto resize itself when all smaller drives in the pool have been replaced by larger ones. You MUST enable this feature, and you MUST enable it before replacing the first disk. Use “zpool set autoexpand=on data” as an example.

  • ZFS does not restripe data in a VDEV nor across multiple VDEVs. Typically, when adding a new device to a RAID array, the RAID controller will rebuild the data, by creating a new stripe width. This will free up some space on the drives in the pool, as it copies data to the new disk. ZFS has no such mechanism. Eventually, over time, the disks will balance out due to the writes, but even a scrub will not rebuild the stripe width.

  • You cannot shrink a zpool, only grow it. This means you cannot remove VDEVs from a storage pool.

  • You can only remove drives from mirrored VDEV using the “zpool detach” command. You can replace drives with another drive in RAIDZ and mirror VDEVs however.

  • Do not create a storage pool of files or ZVOLs from an existing zpool. Race conditions will be present, and you will end up with corrupted data. Always keep multiple pools separate.

  • The Linux kernel may not assign a drive the same drive letter at every boot. Thus, you should use the /dev/disk/by-id/ convention for your SLOG and L2ARC. If you don’t, your zpool devices could end up as a SLOG device, which would in turn clobber your ZFS data.

  • Don’t create massive storage pools “just because you can”. Even though ZFS can create 78-bit storage pool sizes, that doesn’t mean you need to create one.

  • Don’t put production directly into the zpool. Use ZFS datasets instead.

  • Don’t commit production data to file VDEVs. Only use file VDEVs for testing scripts or learning the ins and outs of ZFS. ZFS Filesystem Administration Creating Filesystems


First, we need to understand how traditional filesystems and volume management work in GNU/Linux before we can get a thorough understanding of ZFS datasets. To treat this fairly, we need to assemble Linux software RAID, LVM, and ext4 or another Linux kernel supported filesystem together.

This is done by creating a redundant array of disks, and exporting a block device to represent that array. Then, we format that exported block device using LVM. If we have multiple RAID arrays, we format each of those as well. We then add all these exported block devices to a “volume group” which represents my pooled storage. If I had five exported RAID arrays, of 1 TB each, then I would have 5 TB of pooled storage in this volume group. Now, I need to decide how to divide up the volume, to create logical volumes of a specific size. If this was for an Ubuntu or Debian installation, maybe I would give 100 GB to one logical volume for the root filesystem. That 100 GB is now marked as occupied by the volume group. I then give 500 GB to my home directory, and so forth. Each operation exports a block device, representing my logical volume. It’s these block devices that I format with ex4 or a filesystem of my choosing.

Linux RAID LVM and filesystem stack. Each filesystem is limited in size

In this scenario, each logical volume is a fixed size in the volume group. It cannot address the full pool. So, when formatting the logical volume block device, the filesystem is a fixed size. When that device fills, you must resize the logical volume and the filesystem together. This typically requires a myriad of commands, and it’s tricky to get just right without losing data.

ZFS handles filesystems a bit differently. First, there is no need to create this stacked approach to storage. We’ve already covered how to pool the storage, now we well cover how to use it. This is done by creating a dataset in the filesystem. By default, this dataset will have full access to the entire storage pool. If our storage pool is 5 TB in size, as previously mentioned, then our first dataset will have access to all 5 TB in the pool. If I create a second dataset, it too will have full access to all 5 TB in the pool. And so on and so forth.

Each ZFS dataset can use the full underlying storage

Now, as files are placed in the dataset, the pool marks that storage as unavailable to all datasets. This means that each dataset is aware of what is available in the pool and what is not by all other datasets in the pool. There is no need to create logical volumes of limited size. Each dataset will continue to place files in the pool, until the pool is filled. As the cards fall, they fall. You can, of course, put quotas on datasets, limiting their size, or export ZVOLs, topics we’ll cover later.

So, let’s create some datasets.

Basic Creation

In these examples, we will assume our ZFS shared storage is named “data”. Further, we will assume that the pool is created with 4 pre-allocated files of 1 GB in size each, in a RAIDZ-1 array. Let’s create some datasets.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data         175K  2.92G  43.4K  /data
data/test   41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test

Notice that the dataset “data/test” is mounted to “/data/test” by default, and that it has full access to the entire pool. Also notice that it is occupying only 41.9 KB of the pool. Let’s create 4 more datasets, then look at the output:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test2

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test3

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test4

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test5

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data         392K  2.92G  47.9K  /data
data/test   41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test
data/test2  41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test2
data/test3  41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test3
data/test4  41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test4
data/test5  41.9K  2.92G  41.9K  /data/test5

Each dataset is automatically mounted to its respective mount point, and each dataset has full unfettered access to the storage pool. Let’s fill up some data in one of the datasets, and see how that affects the underlying storage:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
cd /data/test3

0 root@cl-head ~ #
for i in {1..10}; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=file$i.img bs=1024 count=$RANDOM
&> /dev/null; done

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data         159M  2.77G  49.4K  /data
data/test   41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test
data/test2  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test2
data/test3   158M  2.77G   158M  /data/test3
data/test4  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test4
data/test5  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test5

Notice that in my case, “data/test3″ is occupying 158 MB of disk, so according to the rest of the datasets, there is only 2.77 GB available in the pool, where previously there was 2.92 GB. So as you can see, the big advantage here is that I do not need to worry about pre-allocated block devices, as I would with LVM. Instead, ZFS manages the entire stack, so it understands how much data has been occupied, and how much is available.

Mounting Datasets

It’s important to understand that when creating datasets, you aren’t creating exportable block devices by default. This means you don’t have something directly to mount. In conclusion, there is nothing to add to your /etc/fstab file for persistence across reboots.

So, if there is nothing to add do the /etc/fstab file, how do the filesystems get mounted? This is done by importing the pool, if necessary, then running the “zfs mount” command. Similarly, we have a “zfs unmount” command to unmount datasets, or we can use the standard “umount” utility:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
umount /data/test5

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount | grep data

data/test on /data/test type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test2 on /data/test2 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test3 on /data/test3 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test4 on /data/test4 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs mount data/test5

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount | grep data

data/test on /data/test type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test2 on /data/test2 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test3 on /data/test3 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test4 on /data/test4 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test5 on /data/test5 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)

By default, the mount point for the dataset is “/<pool-name>/<dataset-name>”. This can be changed, by changing the dataset property. Just as storage pools have properties that can be tuned, so do datasets. We’ll dedicate a full post to dataset properties later. We only need to change the “mountpoint” property, as follows:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/test data/test

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mount | grep data

data on /data type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test2 on /data/test2 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test3 on /data/test3 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test4 on /data/test4 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test5 on /data/test5 type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)
data/test on /mnt/test type zfs (rw,relatime,xattr)

Nested Datasets

Datasets don’t need to be isolated. You can create nested datasets within each other. This allows you to create namespaces, while tuning a nested directory structure, without affecting the other. For example, maybe you want compression on /var/log, but not on the parent /var. there are other benefits as well, with some caveats that we will look at later.

To create a nested dataset, create it like you would any other, by providing the parent storage pool and dataset. In this case we will create a nested log dataset in the test dataset:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/test/log

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data            159M  2.77G  47.9K  /data
data/test      85.3K  2.77G  43.4K  /mnt/test
data/test/log  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /mnt/test/log
data/test2     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test2
data/test3      158M  2.77G   158M  /data/test3
data/test4     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test4
data/test5     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test5

Additional Dataset Administration

Along with creating datasets, when you no longer need them, you can destroy them. This frees up the blocks for use by other datasets, and cannot be reverted without a previous snapshot, which we’ll cover later. To destroy a dataset:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs destroy data/test5

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data            159M  2.77G  49.4K  /data
data/test      41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /mnt/test
data/test/log  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /mnt/test/log
data/test2     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test2
data/test3      158M  2.77G   158M  /data/test3
data/test4     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test4

We can also rename a dataset if needed. This is handy when the purpose of the dataset changes, and you want the name to reflect that purpose. The arguments take a dataset source as the first argument and the new name as the last argument. To rename the data/test3 dataset to music:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs rename data/test3 data/music

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list

data            159M  2.77G  49.4K  /data
data/music      158M  2.77G   158M  /data/music
data/test      41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /mnt/test
data/test/log  41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /mnt/test/log
data/test2     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test2
data/test4     41.9K  2.77G  41.9K  /data/test4 Subsection Compression

Compression is transparent with ZFS if you enable it. This means that every file you store in your pool can be compressed. From your point of view as an application, the file does not appear to be compressed, but appears to be stored uncompressed. In other words, if you run the “file” command on your plain text configuration file, it will report it as such. Instead, underneath the file layer, ZFS is compressing and decompressing the data on disk on the fly. And because compression is so cheap on the CPU, and exceptionally fast with some algorithms, it should not be noticeable.

Compression is enabled and disabled per dataset. Further, the supported compression algorithms are LZJB, ZLE, and Gzip. With Gzip, the standards levels of 1 through 9 are supported, where 1 is as fast as possible, with the least compression, and 9 is as compressed as possible, taking as much time as necessary. The default is 6, as is standard in GNU/Linux and other Unix operating systems. LZJB, on the other hand, was invented by Jeff Bonwick, who is also the author of ZFS. LZJB was designed to be fast with tight compression ratios, which is standard with most Lempel-Ziv algorithms. LZJB is the default. ZLE is a speed demon, with very light compression ratios. LZJB seems to provide the best all around results it terms of performance and compression.

Obviously, compression can vary on the disk space saved. If the dataset is storing mostly uncompressed data, such as plain text log files, or configuration files, the compression ratios can be massive. If the dataset is storing mostly compressed images and video, then you won’t see much if anything in the way of disk savings. With that said, compression is disabled by default, and enabling LZJB doesn’t seem to yield any performance impact. So even if you’re storing largely compressed data, for the data files that are not compressed, you can get those compression savings, without impacting the performance of the storage server. So, IMO, I would recommend enabling compression for all of your datasets.

Enabling compression on a dataset is not retroactive! It will only apply to newly committed or modified data. Any previous data in the dataset will remain uncompressed. So, if you want to use compression, you should enable it before you begin committing data.

To enable compression on a dataset, we just need to modify the “compression” property. The valid values for that property are: “on”, “off”, “lzjb”, “gzip”, “gzip[1-9]“, "lz4" and “zle”.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create data/log

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs set compression=lzjb data/log

Now that we’ve enabled compression on this dataset, let’s copy over some uncompressed data, and see what sort of savings we would see. A great source of uncompressed data would be the /etc/ and /var/log/ directories. Let’s create a tarball of these directories, see it’s raw size and see what sort of space savings we achieved:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
tar -cf /data/test/text.tar /var/log/ /etc/

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -lh /data/test/text.tar

-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 24M Dec 17 21:24 /data/test/text.tar

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list data/test

data/test  11.1M  2.91G  11.1M  /data/test

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs get compressratio data/test

data/test  compressratio  2.14x  -

So, in my case, I created a 24 MB uncompressed tarball. After copying it to the dataset that had compression enabled, it only occupied 11.1 MB. This is less than half the size (text compresses very well)! We can read the “compressratio” property on the dataset to see what sort of space savings we are achieving. In my case, the output is telling me that the compressed data would occupy 2.14 times the amount of disk space, if uncompressed. Very nice. Snapshots and Clones

Snapshots with ZFS are similar to snapshots with Linux LVM. A snapshot is a first class read-only filesystem. It is a mirrored copy of the state of the filesystem at the time you took the snapshot. Think of it like a digital photograph of the outside world. Even though the world is changing, you have an image of what the world was like at the exact moment you took that photograph. Snapshots behave in a similar manner, except when data changes that was part of the dataset, you keep the original copy in the snapshot itself. This way, you can maintain persistence of that filesystem.

You can keep up to 2^64 snapshots in your pool, ZFS snapshots are persistent across reboots, and they don’t require any additional backing store; they use the same storage pool as the rest of your data. If you remember our post about the nature of copy-on-write filesystems, you will remember our discussion about Merkle trees. A ZFS snapshot is a copy of the Merkle tree in that state, except we make sure that the snapshot of that Merkle tree is never modified.

Creating snapshots is near instantaneous, and they are cheap. However, once the data begins to change, the snapshot will begin storing data. If you have multiple snapshots, then multiple deltas will be tracked across all the snapshots. However, depending on your needs, snapshots can still be exceptionally cheap.

Creating Snapshots

You can create two types of snapshots: pool snapshots and dataset snapshots. Which type of snapshot you want to take is up to you. You must give the snapshot a name, however. The syntax for the snapshot name is:

- pool/dataset@snapshot-name
- pool@snapshot-name

To create a snapshot, we use the “zfs snapshot” command. For example, to take a snapshot of the “data/test” dataset, we would issue:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs snapshot data/test@tuesday

Even though a snapshot is a first class filesystem, it does not contain modifiable properties like standard ZFS datasets or pools. In fact, everything about a snapshot is read-only. For example, if you wished to enable compression on a snapshot, here is what would happen:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs set compression=lzjb data/test@friday

cannot set property for 'data/test@friday': this property can not be modified for

Listing Snapshots

Snapshots can be displayed two ways: by accessing a hidden “.zfs” directory in the root of the dataset, or by using the “zfs list” command. First, let’s discuss the hidden directory. Check out this madness:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -a /data/test

./  ../  boot.tar  text.tar  text.tar.2

0 root@cl-head ~ #
cd /data/test/.zfs/

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -a

./  ../  shares/  snapshot/

Even though the “.zfs” directory was not visible, even with “ls -a”, we could still change directory to it. If you wish to have the “.zfs” directory visible, you can change the “snapdir” property on the dataset. The valid values are “hidden” and “visible”. By default, it’s hidden. Let’s change it:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs set snapdir=visible data/test

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -a /data/test

./  ../  boot.tar  text.tar  text.tar.2  .zfs/

The other way to display snapshots is by using the zfs list command, and passing the -t snapshot argument, as follows:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list -t snapshot

NAME                              USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
pool/cache@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00     0      -   525M  -
pool/cache@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15     0      -   525M  -
pool/home@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00  18.8M      -  28.6G  -
pool/home@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15  18.3M      -  28.6G  -
pool/log@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00    184K      -  10.4M  -
pool/log@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15    184K      -  10.4M  -
pool/swap@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00      0      -    76K  -
pool/swap@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15      0      -    76K  -
pool/vmsa@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00      0      -  1.12M  -
pool/vmsa@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15      0      -  1.12M  -
pool/vmsb@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00      0      -  1.31M  -
pool/vmsb@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15      0      -  1.31M  -
data@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00           0      -  43.4K  -
data@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15           0      -  43.4K  -
data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00      0      -  37.1M  -
data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15      0      -  37.1M  -

Notice that by default, it will show all snapshots for all pools.

If you want to be more specific with the output, you can see all snapshots of a given parent, whether it be a dataset, or a storage pool. You only need to pass the “-r” switch for recursion, then provide the parent. In this case, I’ll see only the snapshots of the storage pool “data”, and ignore those in “pool”:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list -r -t snapshot data

NAME                              USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
data@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00           0      -  43.4K  -
data@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15           0      -  43.4K  -
data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:00      0      -  37.1M  -
data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15      0      -  37.1M  -

Destroying Snapshots

Just as you would destroy a storage pool, or a ZFS dataset, you use a similar method for destroying snapshots. To destroy a snapshot, use the “zfs destroy” command, and supply the snapshot as an argument that you want to destroy:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs destroy data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15

An important thing to know, is if a snapshot exists, it’s considered a child filesystem to the dataset. As such, you cannot remove a dataset until all snapshots, and nested datasets have been destroyed.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs destroy data/test

cannot destroy 'data/test': filesystem has children
use '-r' to destroy the following datasets:

Destroying snapshots can free up additional space that other snapshots may be holding onto, because they are unique to those snapshots.

Renaming Snapshots

You can rename snapshots, however, they must be renamed in the storage pool and ZFS dataset from which they were created. Other than that, renaming snapshots is pretty straight forward:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs rename data/test@2012:12:18:51:2:19:15 data/test@tuesday-19:15

Rolling Back to a Snapshot

A discussion about snapshots would not be complete without a discussion about rolling back your filesystem to a previous snapshot.

Rolling back to a previous snapshot will discard any data changes between that snapshot and the current time. Further, by default, you can only rollback to the most recent snapshot. In order to rollback to an earlier snapshot, you must destroy all snapshots between the current time and that snapshot you wish to rollback to. If that’s not enough, the filesystem must be unmounted before the rollback can begin. This means downtime.

To rollback the “data/test” dataset to the “tuesday” snapshot, we would issue:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs rollback data/test@tuesday

cannot rollback to 'data/test@tuesday': more recent snapshots exist
use '-r' to force deletion of the following snapshots:

As expected, we must remove the “@wednesday” and “@thursday” snapshots before we can rollback to the “@tuesday” snapshot.

ZFS Clones

A ZFS clone is a writeable filesystem that was “upgraded” from a snapshot. Clones can only be created from snapshots, and a dependency on the snapshot will remain as long as the clone exists. This means that you cannot destroy a snapshot, if you cloned it. The clone relies on the data that the snapshot gives it, to exist. You must destroy the clone before you can destroy the snapshot.

Creating clones is nearly instantaneous, just like snapshots, and initially does not take up any additional space. Instead, it occupies all the initial space of the snapshot. As data is modified in the clone, it begins to take up space separate from the snapshot.

Creating ZFS Clones

Creating a clone is done with the zfs clone command, the snapshot to clone, and the name of the new filesystem. The clone does not need to reside in the same dataset as the clone, but it does need to reside in the same storage pool. For example, if I wanted to clone the “data/test@tuesday” snapshot, and give it the name of “data/tuesday”, I would run the following command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs clone data/test@tuesday data/tuesday

0 root@cl-head ~ #
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/tuesday/random.img bs=1M count=100

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs list -r data

data           161M  2.78G  44.9K  /data
data/test     37.1M  2.78G  37.1M  /data/test
data/tuesday   124M  2.78G   161M  /data/tuesday

Destroying Clones

As with destroying datasets or snapshots, we use the zfs destroy command. Again, you cannot destroy a snapshot until you destroy the clones. So, if we wanted to destroy the “data/tuesday” clone:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs destroy data/tuesday

Just like you would with any other ZFS dataset.

Some Final Thoughts

Because both snapshots and clones are cheap, it’s recommended that you take advantage of them. Clones can be useful to test deploying virtual machines, or development environments that are cloned from production environments. When finished, they can easily be destroyed, without affecting the parent dataset from which the snapshot was created. Sending and Receiving Filesystems

ZFS Send

Sending a ZFS filesystem means taking a snapshot of a dataset, and sending the snapshot. This ensures that while sending the data, it will always remain consistent, which is crux for all things ZFS. By default, we send the data to a file. We then can move that single file to an off-site backup, another storage server, or whatever. The advantage a ZFS send has over “dd”, is the fact that you do not need to take the filesystem offline to get at the data.

To send a filesystem to a file, you first must make a snapshot of the dataset. After the snapshot has been made, you send the snapshot. This produces an output stream, that must be redirected. As such, you would issue something like the following:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs snapshot data/test@tuesday

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs send data/test@tuesday > /backup/test-tuesday.img

Now, your brain should be thinking. You have at your disposal a whole suite of Unix utilities to manipulate data. So, rather than storing the raw data, how about we compress it with the “xz” utility?

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs send data/test@tuesday | xz > /backup/test-tuesday.img.xz

Want to encrypt the backup? You could use OpenSSL or GnuPG:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs send data/test@tuesday | xz | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a
-salt > /backup/test-tuesday.img.xz.asc

ZFS Receive

Receiving ZFS filesystems is the other side of the coin. Where you have a data stream, you can import that data into a full writable filesystem. It wouldn’t make much sense to send the filesystem to an image file, if you can’t really do anything with the data in the file.

Just as zfs send operates on streams, zfs receive does the same. So, suppose we want to receive the /backup/test-tuesday.img filesystem. We can receive it into any storage pool, and it will create the necessary dataset.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs receive data/test2 < /backup/test-tuesday.img

Of course, in our sending example, I compressed and encrypted a sent filesystem. So, to reverse that process, I do the commands in the reverse order:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -in /storage/temp/testzone.gz.ssl
| unxz | zfs receive data/test2

The zfs recv command can be used as a shortcut.

Combining Send and Receive

Both zfs send and zfs receive operate on streams of input and output. So, it would make sense that we can send a filesystem into another. Of course we can do this locally:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs send data/test@tuesday | zfs receive pool/test

This is perfectly acceptable, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep multiple copies of the filesystem on the same storage server. Instead, it would make better sense to send the filesystem to a remote box. You can do this trivially with OpenSSH:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs send data/test@tuesday | ssh "zfs receive pool/test"

Check out the simplicity of that command. You’re taking live, running and consistent data from a snapshot, and sending that data to another box. This is epic for off-site storage backups. On your ZFS storage servers, you would run frequent snapshots of the datasets. Then, as a nightly cron job, you would “zfs send” the latest snapshot to an off-site storage server using “zfs receive”. And because you are running a secure, tight ship, you encrypt the data with OpenSSL and XZ. Win. ZVOLS

What is a ZVOL?

A ZVOL is a “ZFS volume” that has been exported to the system as a block device. So far, when dealing with the ZFS filesystem, other than creating our pool, we haven’t dealt with block devices at all, even when mounting the datasets. It’s almost like ZFS is behaving like a userspace application more than a filesystem. I mean, on GNU/Linux, when working with filesystems, you’re constantly working with block devices, whether they be full disks, partitions, RAID arrays or logical volumes. Yet somehow, we’ve managed to escape all that with ZFS. Well, not any longer. Now we get our hands dirty with ZVOLs.

A ZVOL is a ZFS block device that resides in your storage pool. This means that the single block device gets to take advantage of your underlying RAID array, such as mirrors or RAID-Z. It gets to take advantage of the copy-on-write benefits, such as snapshots. It gets to take advantage of online scrubbing, compression and data deduplication. It gets to take advantage of the ZIL and ARC. Because it’s a legitimate block device, you can do some very interesting things with your ZVOL. We’ll look at three of them here- swap, ext4, and VM storage. First, we need to learn how to create a ZVOL.

Creating a ZVOL

To create a ZVOL, we use the “-V” switch with our "zfs create” command, and give it a size. For example, if we wanted to create a 1 GB ZVOL, we could issue the following command. Notice further that there are a couple new symlinks that exist in /dev/zvol/data/ and /dev/data/ which points to a new block device in /dev/:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create -V 1G data/disk1

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -l /dev/zvol/data/disk1

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Dec 20 22:10 /dev/zvol/data/disk1 -> ../../zd144

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -l /dev/data/disk1

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Dec 20 22:10 /dev/data/disk1 -> ../zd144

Because this is a full fledged, 100% bona fide block device that is 1 GB in size, we can do anything with it that we would do with any other block device, and we get all the benefits of ZFS underneath. Plus, creating a ZVOL is near instantaneous, regardless of size. Now, I could create a block device with GNU/Linux from a file on the filesystem. For example, if running ext4, I can create a 1 GB file, then make a block device out of it as follows:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
fallocate -l 1G /tmp/file.img

0 root@cl-head ~ #
losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/file.img

I now have the block device /dev/loop0 that represents my 1 GB file. Just as with any other block device, I can format it, add it to swap, etc. But it’s not as elegant, and it has severe limitations. First off, by default you only have 8 loopback devices for your exported block devices. You can change this number, however. With ZFS, you can create 2^64 ZVOLs by default. Also, it requires a pre-allocated image, on top of your filesystem. So, you are managing three layers of data: the block device, the file, and the blocks on the filesystem. With ZVOLs, the block device is exported right off the storage pool, just like any other dataset.

Let’s look at some things we can do with this ZVOL.

Swap on a ZVOL

It can act as part of a healthy system, keeping RAM dedicated to what the kernel actively needs. But, when active RAM starts spilling over to swap, then you have “the swap of death”, as your disks thrash, trying to keep up with the demands of the kernel. So, depending on your system and needs, you may or may not need swap.

First, let’s create 1 GB block device for our swap. We’ll call the dataset “data/swap” to make it easy to identify its intention. Before we begin, let’s check out how much swap we currently have on our system with the “free” command:

0 root@cl-head ~ #

total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      12327288    8637124    3690164          0     175264    1276812
-/+ buffers/cache:    7185048    5142240
Swap:            0          0          0

In this case, we do not have any swap enabled. So, let’s create 1 GB of swap on a ZVOL, and add it to the kernel:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
zfs create -V 1G data/swap

0 root@cl-head ~ #
mkswap /dev/zvol/data/swap

0 root@cl-head ~ #
swapon /dev/zvol/data/swap

0 root@cl-head ~ #

total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      12327288    8667492    3659796          0     175268    1276804
-/+ buffers/cache:    7215420    5111868
Swap:      1048572          0    1048572

It worked! We have a legitimate Linux kernel swap device on top of ZFS.

If you’re running memory intensive applications on your machine, it is not recommended to have swap on a ZVOL. It can lead to a hanging system once memory pressure sets in.

ZVOL storage for VMs

Probably the most attracive use-case for ZVOLs is to use them as the backend storage for VMs. It’s not uncommon to create logical volume block devices as the backend for VM storage. After having the block device available for Qemu, you attach it to the virtual machine, and from its perspective, you have a “/dev/vda” or “/dev/sda” depending on the setup.

If using libvirt, you would have a /etc/libvirt/qemu/vm.xml file. In that file, you could have the following, where “/dev/zd0″ is the ZVOL block device:

<disk type='block' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/'>
<source dev='/dev/zd0'/'>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/'>
<alias name='virtio-disk0'/'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/'>

At this point, your VM gets all the ZFS benefits underneath, such as snapshots, compression, deduplication, data integrity, drive redundancy, etc.


ZVOLs are a great way to get to block devices quickly while taking advantage of all of the underlying ZFS features. Using the ZVOLs as the VM backing storage is especially attractive. However, I should note that when using ZVOLs, you cannot replicate them across a cluster. ZFS is not a clustered filesystem. If you want data replication across a cluster, then you should not use ZVOLs, and use file images for your VM backing storage instead. Other than that, you get all of the amazing benefits of ZFS that we have been blogging about up to this point, and beyond, for whatever data resides on your ZVOL.

6.3. OS Package Management

Ubuntu/Debian package management is based on the concept of package sources or repositories. A configuration file /etc/apt/sources.list (or separate files in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d) specifies the location of package sources.

When a package is to be installed, all package source locations are checked whether they contain the desired package. If the desired package is found in only one package repository that one is taken, if it is found in more than one, then the package with the newest version is installed.

6.3.1. Package sources

Package sources are usually specified in /etc/apt/sources.list and can be of many different types, like http, ftp, file, cdrom, …​ (see man sources.list). In a default Qlustar installation this file is empty, since all the Qlustar package sources are defined in the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qlustar.list. If your system has access to the Internet either directly or through a http proxy the file will look like this:

deb 11.0-bionic main universe non-free
deb 11.0-bionic-proposed-updates main universe non-free

This enables access to the Qlustar 11.0 software repository.

The file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qlustar.list is managed by Qlustar and should usually not be edited manually. If you prefer not to receive the proposed updates, you can comment out the second line in the file. Be aware, that this will prevent you from receiving timely security updates as well.

6.3.2. dpkg

dpkg (see man dpkg) is the basic package management tool for Ubuntu/Debian, comparable to rpm (Red Hat Package Manager). It is not capable of automatically resolving package dependencies.

6.3.3. apt

apt is the high-level package management tool for Ubuntu/Debian. apt (man apt) with its sub-commands provides all the functionality needed to maintain an Ubuntu/Debian system. A seem-less and fast upgrade of an Ubuntu/Debian system is typically performed running the two commands

0 root@cl-head ~ #
apt update

0 root@cl-head ~ #
apt dist-upgrade.

Detailed upgrade instructions for a Qlustar system can be found in the Qlustar Update Section.

New packages can be installed by running apt install <package name>. If <package name> depends on, or conflicts with other packages those will be automatically installed or removed upon confirmation.

6.3.4. Debian Package Alternatives

The possibility to concurrently run different versions of the same application on a single cluster is often crucial. In principle, this is achievable in a couple of ways, each one requiring more or less handwork depending on the type of application in question. Fortunately, Ubuntu/Debian provides the built-in alternatives mechanism to manage software versions in automated form. It has the additional advantage that it works appropriately for any kind of application.

Let us consider the case of the GNU C compiler gcc as an example of the situation described above. Simply installing the gcc package via apt is all you need to do in this case. The alternatives are automatically configured for you.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
cc --version
cc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

This tells us that currently we are running the version 5.4.0 of the GNU C compiler. Let us inspect the cc binary.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
type cc
cc is hashed (/usr/bin/cc)
0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -l /usr/bin/cc
lrwxrwxrwx ... /usr/bin/cc -> /etc/alternatives/cc

As we tried to locate the cc command, we found that it was being executed from the /usr/bin path. However we also discovered, that it’s a symbolic link pointing to /etc/alternatives/cc. The directory /etc/alternatives is the place, where all the software alternatives are configured in Ubuntu/Debian. Let us inspect a little further.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
ls -l /etc/alternatives/cc
lrwxrwxrwx ... /etc/alternatives/cc -> /usr/bin/gcc

We have another symbolic link, this time referring to /usr/bin/gcc and a little digging afterward reveals that this is a link to the real gcc executable. If alternative versions for a program are available, the alternatives system will create a link with the name of the program in the default path pointing to the appropriate file in /etc/alternatives. This will finally link to the executable, we actually want to use. Instead of manually manipulating these links, choosing a different default version for a program should be done using the command update-alternatives.

Using update-alternatives we can quickly figure out which alternatives are currently configured for a certain executable. Let us look at the current setup of cc.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
update-alternatives --display gcc
cc - auto mode
  link best version is /usr/bin/gcc
  link currently points to /usr/bin/gcc
  link cc is /usr/bin/cc
  slave cc.1.gz is /usr/share/man/man1/cc.1.gz
/usr/bin/gcc - priority 20
  slave cc.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz

As you can see the current link points to /usr/bin/gcc as we already discovered. There might be another alternative, with a different priority. The line 'gcc - auto mode’ means that the alternatives system will look for the package with the highest priority in order to use that executable.

The last line in the above output says that the current best priority link is /usr/bin/gcc. If we had installed an alternative for cc and would want to want to use it instead, we could tell update-alternatives to use this variant as follows:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
update-alternatives --config cc

A further useful feature of update-alternatives is the possibility of creating groups of files having a relation with each other. These so called slaves will not only allow you to update the link to the desired executable, but also any other information related to it like man pages, documentation, etc. as shown for the cc example above. Please consult man update-alternatives for more information on the capabilities of this powerful software versioning method.

7. Updating Qlustar

7.1. Qlustar updates

Updating a Qlustar cluster is a multi-step process. The detailed steps depend on whether the update involves a kernel update or not (the release notes will mention it, if a new kernel is part of the update) and what module versions you have selected for your images. We’ll explain the differences below. Follow the steps in the following order.

7.1.1. Updating the head-node(s)

Apply the standard Debian procedure to update the head-node(s) installation. Execute as root:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
apt update
0 root@cl-head ~ #
apt dist-upgrade

This will update all packages. In most cases, if new versions of the Qlustar image module packages are available, this will also automatically rebuild the images defined in QluMan. We elaborate on this below.

If the kernel was updated by this process reboot the head-node(s) after executing the above commands, otherwise you’re done with this step.

7.1.2. Updating the chroot(s)

This is either also a standard Debian or a standard CentOS upgrade as explained in the First Step Guide. If you have setup multiple chroots, you’ll have to update all of them.

If a new version of the spack package manager has been installed in the chroot, it may be necessary to run a spack command as a user with write permissions on /apps/local/spack (e.g. spack list as user softadm). Otherwise, unprivileged users might see permission denied errors when working with spack.

7.1.3. Updating the nodes

If the update contains a new kernel, reboot all nodes. In case you have some storage nodes that export a global file-system (e.g. NFS or Lustre), reboot them first, then all the other nodes.

If the update doesn’t contain a new kernel, you have the choice of either rebooting the nodes like above or using the Qlustar online update mechanism (currently the online update has to be executed manually, future versions of QluMan will allow to do this from the GUI) as follows: Execute the following command on the head-node:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-update -H <hostlist>

where <hostlist> is a list of nodes in hostlist format, e.g. beo-[01-80]. You also have the option to first check what exactly the update will change. To find out, execute the following:

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-update -c -H <hostlist>

This will show what will be changed by this update.

0 root@cl-head ~ #
qlustar-image-update -s -H <hostlist>

This will show all services (daemons) that need to be restarted as a result of this update. If you want more detailed information about the update process, add the option -v to any of the previous command lines. When will images be updated/rebuilt?

There are a couple of cases to distinguish, depending on what version is selected for an image in QluMan (see also the corresponding section in the QluMan Guide.

  1. Selected image version is of type x.y.z, e.g. 11.0.0. In this case, the image will be rebuilt if and only if there is an update for the selected version (11.0.0) of the modules. Such updates will always be bug-/security-fixes.

  2. Selected image version is of type x.y, e.g. 11.0 with 11.0.0 being the most recent 11.0.z version before applying the update. In this case the image is rebuilt, if the update entails a new maintenance release (e.g. 11.0.1 which will then become the new real image version) or an update for the currently installed (11.0.0) modules.

  3. Selected image version is of type x, e.g. 11 with 11.0 being the most recent 11.y and 11.0.0 being the most recent 11.0.z version before applying the update. In this case the image is rebuilt, if either the update entails a new feature release (e.g. 11.1, the latest 11.1.z will then become the new real image version) or a new maintenance release (e.g. 11.0.1 which will then become the new real image version) or an update for the currently installed (11.0.0) modules. With this option, manual intervention to obtain a new image version is only necessary when upgrading to a new major release (e.g. 11.y.z).